New Ways to Network for Caribbean Managers

KingstonJamaicaMay 5, 2007:  Attendees at the JEF Convention 2007 in Ocho Rios on May 5th, 2007were challenged to upgrade their networking skills to keep pace with the threats and opportunities of CSME.  The speech they attended at the conference was entitled “Networking Strategies for the new Breed of Caribbean Managers.”


The workshop was lead by Francis Wade, a Jamaican consultant and President of Framework Consulting In., headquartered in Hollywood Florida, USA.  Mr. Wade, the founder of the 14 year-old firm, has been working with companies in Barbados, Trinidad andJamaica to address business issues that have a particularly difficult people dimension.  During that time he has had to develop some innovative techniques for networking that “violate accepted wisdom.”


In his speech, Mr. Wade noted that the old ways of networking – on the golf course and on the cocktail circuit – were only suited for a small subset of professionals. He said “business-people who force themselves to attend these kinds of events give networking a bad name.”


Instead, he advocated an authentic approach that anyone can follow, building on real commitments, rather than manufactured interests.  He gave the following 10 tips:


1)          Be Brave: Don’t follow the crowd, and allow yourself to be distinctly different from everyone else

2)          Know What You Are Passionate About: Pursue whatever area of interest you have, and become an expert in that, rather than following areas that are popular, “logical” or even areas in which you have current skills but no real interest

3)          Drop the Miami mind:  Think of yourself as aCaribbean professional rather than having half your mind in the USA, Canada or England

4)          Reach Out from Your Interests:  Take the areas you are passionate about, and find others in theCaribbean who share them

5)          Ignore Distractions:  If someone tells you what you “should” be doing to network, and it doesn’t fit your natural interests, ignore them!  Also, if the actions you take feel forced or contrived, stop them.

6)          Embrace Internet Technology:  If you have a distrust of new technology or the internet, overcome it, knowing that your future as a professional is inextricably tied to how you are presented in cyberspace

7)          Google Yourself:  Use a Google search to see what is already being said about you on the internet.  Make this your baseline

8)          Design an Online Self-Portrait:  Define the online “portrait” of your accomplishments, skills and interests that you would like people to see on the internet

9)          Actively Participate:   Join in and contribute to online discussions related to your areas of interest especially if they are Caribbeanbased.  If they don’t exist today, create them by sending out invitations to regional partners

10)     Write!: Find interesting ways to use ezines, blogs and mentions on web-pages to share your thoughts on your authentic areas of interest.  Write frequently!


The Bottom Line is that professionals must take advantage of the changes coming with CSME and the existence of internet technology to network in a way that feels natural.  While our literacy rate inJamaica puts us at a disadvantage compared to countries such as Trinidad and Barbados, we are often seen as being more assertive and outgoing, and we should use this to our advantage.


Francis Wade is President of Framework Consulting Inc. Email:  [email protected]


Forming a Trinidadian Jamaican Chamber of Commerce

The first two Meetings to discuss the formation of a Trinidadian Jamaican Chamber of Commerce will be held as follows:

Monday May 7th at the Jamaica Pegasus, New Kingston at 6:30pm

Monday May 21st — evening — Port of Spain, at the offices of CMMB on Independence Square at 6:30pm

If you would like further information on the agenda, and to hear further updates as the dates draw closer, you can send me email or add yourself to the mailiing list by clicking here.

“The Trinidadian Executive in Jamaica” Report

We are pleased to announce that the white paper entitled: “The Trinidadian Executive in Jamaica” has been completed and is available by email at no cost by following the instructions below.

The study focused providing lessons learned for Trinidadian Executives moving to work in Jamaica.  After over 30 interviews, the key cultural differences they found were pulled together and a set of recommendations made for companies in both countries.

Find out more here.

HRMAJ 2006 Presentation

Francis Wade recently completed a presentation to the 2006 Human Resource Managers Association of Jamaica (HRMAJ) Conference entitled “Technology and Effortless Regional Networking.”

If you would like to review the slides from the presentation and also listen to the audio portion, please send email to [email protected] to be automatically sent the relevant links.

Post UTECH Speech

For anyone following up from the speech given last week at the UTECH conference  “Transforming Business and Management for Growth and Development,” there are a couple of papers available via email.

To receive the paper submitted to the conference, send email to [email protected].

To receive an introduction to Lights!Camera!Action!, send email to [email protected].

The programme from the conference can be found here:

HRMAB HR Champion Finalist

Recently, the Francis Wade was nominated for a regional HR award, as described below.  He made it as far as the finals, where a very worthy winner was elected.

This is the correspondence we received:

Dear Mr. Wade,

The Human Resources Management Association of Barbados (HRMAB) will be hosting its Tenth Annual Conference, Exhibition and Inaugural Conference of the Human Resources Management Association of the Caribbean (HRMAC) at the Hilton Barbados, October 15-18, 2006.  The theme of the conference this year is “HR: Energising the Region Through Integration”.

 The Official Opening & Awards Ceremony will take place on Sunday, October 15, 2006 at 6:00 p.m, at the Hilton Barbados.  This year we have introduced an awards ceremony, when we will honour and recognize the contributions of HR professionals both locally as well as regionally.


This is to inform you that during you have been recognised for your contribution to the field of Human Resources in Jamaica and have been nominated to receive the HR Champion Award.  We are therefore pleased to inform you that you are a finalist for the award.

 Kindly indicate your attendance at the Opening & Awards Ceremony (please see attached e-invitation).  In the event that you cannot attend, please indicate the name of the person who will receive the award on your behalf, should you be the eventual winner. We look forward to your attendance.

The President and Officers of the Human Resource Association of Barbados.

Videos Added to Bios

Under the bios for Scott Hilton-Clarke and Francis Wade, we have added two short clips from a training session that we conducted over a year ago.

It took a while to figure out how to do it all, including which software to use etc., and the clips are approximately 90 seconds each.  They cover the personal introductions that we gave at the particular session.