Why CEOs Must Harness the Power of People Analytics

In the realm of corporate leadership, CEOs often find themselves in unfamiliar territory when it comes to matters of human capital and corporate culture. It’s a predicament stemming from the fact that most CEOs don’t have an HR background. Consequently, they may grapple with intricate inquiries from board members regarding these vital aspects.

For CEOs looking to bolster their effectiveness in this domain, waiting for the HR department to evolve may not be a viable strategy. So, what steps can they take to enhance their leadership skills in the interim?

Stepping into the role of CEO can be an eye-opening experience. It often reveals that a significant part of the job revolves around human resource skills, sometimes overshadowing their finance or operations expertise. In this new capacity, talent management takes center stage, as nearly all organisational objectives hinge on the contributions of the workforce.

However, CEOs without a background in HR may lack the insights and instincts honed by HR professionals over the course of their careers. Given the relatively brief tenures of CEOs, there’s no luxury of time to let these skills develop gradually. A more expeditious route is needed.

Thankfully, a viable shortcut exists in the form of People Analytics. This concept stands apart from HR Department Analytics as it encompasses comprehensive, company-wide tools designed to address human capital concerns spanning all departments. These tools are indispensable for every manager, including CEOs.

Indeed, they should be integrated throughout the organisation, including at the board level. For example, one client introduced a novel metric to the board: average board member age, with the goal of substantially reducing it.

People Analytics extends even further, encompassing customer and prospect data captured by the marketing and sales departments. This data proves invaluable for identifying customer preferences and emerging trends.

Furthermore, the EU’s new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) mandates the use of People Analytics for supply chain disclosures. The aim is to prevent child or slave labor exploitation by suppliers in their factories.

Nevertheless, many Caribbean companies grapple with inadequate or non-existent performance management systems, leaving leaders without the fundamental data they need.

So, how can CEOs infuse People Analytics into daily operations?

1. Reconsider the Role of the CEO

While CEOs are often willing to take ownership of bottom-line financial results, particularly in the short term, it’s crucial to recognise that these outcomes are fundamentally driven by human capital. Consequently, the prevailing corporate culture should be a top concern.

Delegating this responsibility to HR might seem like a convenient option, but it’s a mistake. The ultimate accountability rests with the CEO.

Surprisingly, it’s not common to see top leaders explicitly call for a specific transformation in corporate culture as part of their strategic plans. They may not perceive this as their responsibility or might feel it’s beyond their capabilities. Unfortunately, this oversight can inadvertently foster toxic work environments.

2. Demand Effective Dashboards

Establishing responsibility is just the beginning; it’s far from sufficient.

Think about the processes involved in gathering the data necessary for financial accounts, the methods used to manage them, and the supporting technologies. Fortunately, standardised reporting and ratios have streamlined this process, and today’s executives expect information to be presented in widely accepted formats.

Consider these financial reports as a kind of dashboard—a tool that allows leaders to analyse recent data through a particular lens.

Regrettably, there are no such universally recognised standards or dashboards for People Analytics. The closest comparison might be the Balanced Scorecard, primarily designed to monitor the progress of strategic plans. While it does include a “People Perspective” (also known as “Learning and Growth”), it offers only rudimentary assistance.

Start by utilising the Balanced Scorecard but also create customised dashboards to monitor routine human capital activities. Treat these dashboards as both a crystal ball for making predictions and a microscope for examining the past.

3. Invest in, and Expect an ROI

Unfortunately, many HR departments lack the level of sophistication required for the transformation discussed here. Consequently, they struggle to advocate for game-changing investments that could revolutionise the organisation.

In essence, People Analytics is caught in a classic chicken-and-egg dilemma. Demonstrating a return on investment (ROI) for the necessary tools is crucial. However, if the data required to make this case is absent due to the lack of these tools, it’s challenging to know where to begin.

As a CEO, it’s imperative to recognise this predicament and acknowledge how it’s impeding organisational progress. Simultaneously, you must take proactive steps to overcome it.

Start by investing in the training or analytics tools that HR needs to assume a leadership role in this area. Begin with initiatives that promise quick wins and can initiate a transformation in People Analytics across the entire company, starting with the HR function.

By taking these three essential steps, you’ll move closer to the ideal scenario—a company equipped with these capabilities across all areas. In contrast to many other Caribbean companies, you’ll be well-prepared to compete effectively in the global marketplace.

This article was based on an earlier version published in the Jamaica Gleaner.

Why People Analytics Isn’t Just for HR

Your company is aware of people analytics. It wants to use these techniques to increase productivity. But it’s not clear who should champion this transformation: HR or another unit?

In companies across the world, COVID has accelerated the call for data-driven innovation. Consequently, managers in your organization are concerned. Productivity has fallen due to work-from-home arrangements, but are they thinking about improving it in the best way?

The traditional approach to determine knowledge-worker productivity is borrowed from the factory floor. Put people together in tight quarters. Keep a close eye on them. Then, make sure their bodies are doing the right things.

However, COVID has blown a hole in that practice. Now, it’s obvious that, unlike physical work, knowledge work can be performed anywhere. But this fact hasn’t stopped your managers from campaigning for a return to “the good old days”.

Fortunately, stale, inefficient ways of full-time face-to-face working aren’t coming back. Also, companies which insist on treating employees as if they are manual workers will see their best people leave. Why? Top performers prefer to work with colleagues who trust them to do their finest work, regardless of physical location.

Case in point: a local colleague conducted a search for a remote job. His queries uncovered a company on the US West Coast. Consequently, this A-class worker quit his government position for an organization 3000 miles away.

If this transition is one your best people also wish to make, your organization should beware. Consider the growing use of People Analytics as a productivity tool to help workers and managers become more effective and engaged. Here are three steps.

  1. Retire Old Productivity Indicators

Before COVID, everyone knew a Chatty Cathy who talked a good game in the office. This polished extrovert speaks well. Studies show that her tendency to pipe up first is seen as a sign of leadership ability.

Some Cathys also make it their business to remain highly visible. They attend all meetings involving executive exposure. They never stay quiet, so their voices are known.

Finally, Cathys always arrive to work early and leave late. And on weekends, email threads never lack their input.

In summary, Cathys play into the weakness of managers who judge productivity visually. This lazy method of assessment promotes Cathys, even if their actual work is only average.

Unfortunately for them, COVID has changed the game. Gone are the visual cues Chatty Cathy used to wow managers. And the old flawed ways of measuring her productivity may never return.

  1. New Productivity Challenges Being Ignored

If you have never heard of “People Analytics” you may not realize that it’s an update to the notion of “HR Analytics”.

They are used everywhere employees can be found…not just in HR. For example, metrics are being gathered to reverse productivity losses in two nagging areas: email and meetings.

Both problems have become worse due to COVID according to research by Harvard Business School. In spite of the negative impact, companies treat them like rush-hour traffic – something we all hate but can do nothing about.

Today, rudimentary analytics tools are measuring both.

For example, your company could end each meeting with a smartphone survey of attendees. This should improve its quality.

Email effectiveness can also be surveyed manually, but that’s not all. Sites like emailanalytics.com measure an individual’s message volume and responsiveness automatically.

For instance, it helps you see that a manager who has 3,456 unread email messages is not just “bad at email”. He is a nuisance to his colleagues and an unproductive detriment to the bottom line.

I mention these two areas because they are relatively easy to measure. All it takes is a serious commitment to productivity. Plus a willingness for managers to use data to identify their lack of efficiency.

  1. HR’s Capacity to Lead People Analytics

Your HR Department may not be thinking in this way yet. It may not even have tools or skills available. The truth is that few are ready to lead their companies in this area.

Instead, HR has earned a reputation for being numbers and technology averse. This is a bigger problem than ever given the growing requirement for managers to use People Analytics. They want to impact every aspect of worker performance, not just productivity problems.

Eventually, managers will find the analytics they need even if they must do the search themselves. But this isn’t the best solution.

The revolution in your company’s People Analytics needs to start from HR Departments who understand how and why workers work. The future beckons professionals in HR to stay abreast and get ahead if they intend to remain relevant.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity, a keynote speaker and a management consultant. To search his prior columns on productivity, strategy, engagement and business processes, send email to columns@fwconsulting.com.

Why CEO’s Want HR to Transform Itself

Human Resource departments are facing an unprecedented demand to become analytic and data-driven. But few are answering the call. What should HR practitioners and consultants do to respond?

A few years ago, I substituted for a VP-HR of a major company who died suddenly. For four months, I attempted to pick up the pieces while seeking a replacement. I discovered that he didn’t leave much of a structure behind. Everything, it seemed, was in his head.

Fast forward to today, and HR organizations are under increasing pressure due to the COVID-era need to digitize functions. CEO’s have longed for HR Departments which look more like Finance, Operations and Sales, whose employees are digitally savvy.

Unfortunately, there are few HR teams I have worked with who have sufficient skillsets and mindsets to embrace technology, analyze data and provide dashboards. Case in point: after facilitating numerous strategic planning retreats, only a single presentation by HR stands out in these areas.

Such was the situation before COVID. Now the pandemic has widened the gap. HR, with low tech skills, has stayed in the same position, watching others surge ahead with new capabilities. This observation is backed up by global research from the Academy to Innovate HR (AIHR). Some 60% of HR Professionals say they are falling behind their more tech-savvy colleagues in terms of efficiency and impact.

What can local Human Resource Practitioners do to catch up and close the gap?

  1. Embrace the CEO’s Perspective

Perhaps what scares C-Suite leaders more than anything else is that the pandemic has made HR’s role more important than ever. But, it’s also annoying them at the same time. Why?

They don’t have visibility into staff-driven operations. While most agree they must make fresh investments in people to thrive in a new economy, they lack the data.

For example, while they are painfully aware of talent gaps, HR usually cannot predict what happens after key roles are filled. Will individuals stay? For how long? And should they be paid at the 25th or 75th percentile of the average wage? To what effect?

When such quantifiable questions can’t be answered, it’s easier for executives to invest in a new piece of equipment. After all, it usually comes with an easy-to-understand cost-benefit ratio.

Unfortunately, I only know a couple of CEO’s in the Caribbean who have HR backgrounds. As a result, most leaders don’t intuitively understand the invisible tradeoffs HR must make. And without data, no-one can offer a clear, numbers-driven explanation.

The solution is for HR to think like CEOs who need to implement big, fact-based decisions.

  1. Hire and Train

Maybe not surprisingly, the AIHR survey showed that the best place to develop such talent is at the bottom of the organization. Often, the newest and youngest employees in HR are the most digitally proficient. They are the ones who should drive improvements by picking up new capabilities and teaching them to others.

At the same time, hiring savvy mid-career HR professionals may help fill critical gaps – if they can be found. But the most difficult choices surround those HR team members who don’t have the capacity to grow fast enough. Their future might be grim as their lack of quantitative skills makes it hard for them to find employment.

All these changes add up to a major investment in talent acquisition and development within HR. However, most organizations have not recovered from the deep cuts made in training budgets during the 2008 recession. Arguably, this led to the problems we see today.

  1. Be Strategic

The fact is, most HR departments aren’t in a position to advocate for these investments on their own. They need the company’s entire strategic plan to call for a transformation in staff and talent in order to thrive in the future.

This kind of widespread change requires informed leadership from the top. Consequently, HR must focus on educating other executives using tools such as analytic reports and dashboards. This approach could ultimately lead to the game-changing decisions that can drive any or all other strategies the company pursues. As CEO’s know from painful experience, trying to make big changes with the wrong people in place will fail.

What would it be like to have a top class HR function in your organization? While the global standard has suddenly been raised without warning, take this as an opportunity rather than a rude surprise. Everyone will benefit when HR steps up to the challenge of transforming itself to use analytics. While it probably won’t be the first unit to do so, it has the potential to influence all company functions.

Francis Wade is the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity, a keynote speaker and a management consultant. To search prior columns on productivity, strategy, engagement and business processes, send email to columns@fwconsulting.com.