Conference Presentations

I had some good news recently — a paper I wrote was accepted by the annual conference at the Institute of Industrial Engineers in Reno Nevada.

I’ll finalize the exact topic soon to reflect the latest research but you might have guessed that it has something to do with time management and the ways that we are all using the latest gadgets in ineffective ways.

Also, I’ll be presenting at the Jamaica Employer’s Federation Conference, here in Kingston.  The topic is likely to be the same — a dry run of sorts for the IIE presentation.

Both of these events will take place in May 2011.

Time Management 2.0

I have been fortunate to be able to present the ideas I have been working on in Time Management 2.0 in a variety of fora.

A recent article I wrote entitled “Why Jamaicans Have to Migrate to Become Productive” was published in the Gleaner and received a good amount of feedback, while generating an interesting discussion.

The link to the Gleaner article can be found here:

Based on the article, I got a call from a producer at TVJ to come back on the morning show to speak to some of the ideas in the article. The video can be found here:

Shortly after the interview, I gave a short speech at the Rotary Club of Downtown Kingston on the same topic, and the link to the audio recording can be found by clicking this link or uding the player below:

Recent Speeches and Interviews

Over the past few weeks, I have made a few public appearances on the topic of time management as it relates to information overload.  They include a speech, plus interviews on radio and television.

What’s interesting is that they all took place within the space of a week!

Here is the interview on TVJ on their early morning show:

Here’s the speech I gave on the method I’m using to decide whether or not to choose a smartphone.

I also gave an interview on the same topic of information overload on a radio show on Power 106FM – “Both Sides of the Story.” It lasted about an hour and brought in several others to give their perspective, which made it interesting. Simply visit the link to the 2Time Audios page and look for the audio on Information Overload.

Let me know what you think of these either here in the comments, or over at my Facebook page.

CaribHR.Radio Launched

I recently conducted the first test broadcast of a new project I started: CaribHR.Radio

It seemed to go well, and got some nice feedback, and I plan to go into “full production” with shows every two weeks during Tuesday lunchtimes.

Fortunately, each show is recorded after its broadcast on the internet, and you can listen in at the following URL to the episode from October 5th, and sign up to be notified for the next show on October 19th.  (Listener space is a bit limited.)  Click here to be taken to CaribHR.Radio –

Special Report Just Released

I just published a new Special Report entitled: “8 Edgy Ideas from Time Management 2.0.”  It’s available for free download at the 2time website.

In addition, it also includes a new introductory video as well as a recording of all 22 pages.

It outlines all the high-quality ideas I have found and have written about related to time management, and the new way of thinking about learning the habits required to make an improvement to your personal productivity.

FirstCuts 34 – Smartphone Era Productivity

Now and then I tell myself that I might be on to something a bit new, and this month I am happy to say that the new issue of FirstCuts is the start of a mission I have taken up, which is to eliminate all the crazy habits that have arisen around smartphones (Blackberrys, iPhones, Androids, etc.)

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out this month’s issue, in either text or audio form.  If you are a smartphone user, prepare yourself for something a bit different…!