Two Weeks of Conference Speeches

Within the next few weeks I’ll be speaking at a couple of conferences. The first will be the Human Resource Management Association of Trinidad and Tobago’s (HRMATT) 9th Biennial Conference in Port of Spain on May 13-14, 2013. I’ll be speaking twice: on  Monday on the topic of “How Caribbean Executives Can Raise Their Standards” and again on Tuesday on “Transforming Time Management Training with Gamification.”

During the following week I’ll be in Dallas at the American Society of Training and Development’s (ASTD) 2013 International Conference and Exposition. Some 9000 people are expected and I’ll be speaking on the topic – “How to Stop Failing at Behavior Change Training – The Case of Time Management.”

At both event’s I’ll be promoting my new book – Bill’s Im-Perfect Time Management Adventure.

I expect to make some interesting new connections!