Recent Gleaner Articles

I am told that my bi-weekly column in the business section of the Sunday Gleaner in Jamaica continues to provoke professionals who read it regularly. Now and then I meet a reader why tells me that they enjoy what I have to say, and that I tend to put a very different twist on things which makes them think.

You can find all my articles listed at the Gleaner website using this link: Gleaner site or at my blog that has links to all of Framework’s publications.

Keynote Speech at the HRMAB Conference

I was invited to give the keynote speech at the Human Resource Management Association of Barbados’ Conference in October. It sounds like a great event lead by a dynamic team, so I’m already looking forward to going! See for more details.

A Sample Interactive Simulation

The countdown for the ICD Post-conference workshop in Chicago continues. The latest work product is the release of a learning simulation: Wilma Tackles Time Clutter Consulting.

It’s an interactive module in which Wilma, a professional organizer, must make the switch to time management coaching/consulting near the end of an engagement with Adam, her client. The user helps her along by making some critical choices, hopefully moving her steadily towards her final goal.

It takes about 10 minutes to complete the first time, and another 10 minutes to explore all the alternate choices.

It showcases the state of the art in e-Learning, and the latest frontier that we are exploring here at Framework.  We are well on our way to the point where all of training has an e-Learning component.  Between Flash interactions that require critical choices, and online classrooms using Moodle  developing the best possible training in the world in the areas in which we have unique knowledge and expertise.

Enhancements to NewHabits Foundations

Over the past year, we have made several major enhancements to the NewHabits time management and productivity programmes.

  • the programme now includes 6 games, 2 of which are electronic instructional simulations.  Gamification is here to stay as a design principle for all Framework programmes after seeing the success of these initial efforts.
  •  a new email Inbox module was created in the form of a recorded webinar.  Participants have enjoyed this new focus as it zeros in a problem that many have in managing the time demands that come into their lives.
  • a new set of levels within the White Belt grade.  This has given more participants some reachable goals to strive for.

This is just the beginning of the firm’s commitment to provide the world’s best, insanely great training in individual time management.

Facebook Pages

The recent shift on Facebook has us pretty excited with the possibilities of sharing the Framework story, which now spans all of 19 years.  Here are a few of our Facebook links that you may want to <Like>.

Francis Wade, Columnist

NewHabits Time Management Programs

FirstCuts ezine

Time Management 2.0/2Time Labs

All these pages will cut over to the new TimeLine so come and visit and watch the evolution take place.

P.S. There’s a brand new focus being created at that involves developing those professionals who must develop the skills of others.  Stay tuned, as there’s much more coming on this front.





Speaking at the ICD Conference

I have the honour of speaking at the annual conference of the Institute for Challenging Disorder (ICD) in Chicago, IL in September.

The Institute offers training to professional organizers who work with clients who suffer from chronic disorganization.  I’ll be doing both a speech and a workshop on how organizers can be effective in working with clients to reduce Time Clutter.

Here’s a link to the ICD website with the speakers listed.

Recent Projects

Here is a short sample of some of the projects we have been involved with recently.

A Washington, DC – based non-profit asked us to help them devise and implement their on-line engagement strategy.

A Caribbean snack and food company hired us to act as their head of Human Resource while conducting a search for a replacement.

We are also part of a project team due to start soon in Trinidad that involves doing the strategic planning for a financial institution.

Another financial institution in Jamaica has hired us to train over 100 of its employees in our latest time management and productivity techniques.

Presentation at the Jamaica Employer’s Federation Convention

The countdown is on to the beginning of the JEF Convention 2011.  It’s the biggest conference of it’s kind in the English-speaking Caribbean and I’ll be making a presentation on Saturday, May 7th on the topic of Smartphone Productivity.

We recently conducted an interview with Wayne Chen – JEF President – on the conference and also the future plans for the organization. You can access the interview at

Also, the program for the entire JEF Convention can be found by clicking this link.

JEF Conference flyer