Website Redesign

As you may have noticed, this website has undergone a significant redesign. This shift happens to reflect the way the firm has grown in the past several years.

Framework started as a company focused on Business Process Reengineering and culture change to North American clients. Over time, its work in the Caribbean grew to the point where it’s international work became the primary focus. As this happened, the problem of knowledge worker productivity grew in importance and became one of the two primary focuses of the company.

The site has been updated to reflect these twin areas and we hope it gives you a clearer picture of the work we do with our clients.

A Home for Total Task Schedulers

One of the big gaps I have found in the time-based productivity world is the lack of help in the area of Total Task Scheduling. (If you are a graduate of NewHabits Foundations you may recognize this persona as a Green Belt in Scheduling.)

This is being remedied.

I’m finally returning to a commitment I made when I finished my book to create such a space – and it will be launched soon in the form of Schedule U – A School for Scheduling Everything. At the moment it exists as a placeholder where you can sign up for early notification when it goes live.

You may know that I do work for SkedPal, an auto-scheduling program. However, there are other solutions out there in the world which perform a similar function, plus people who have no interest in using an app for this function. This website will serve everyone, regardless of the tools they use.

Upon its launch, it will occupy a unique space which is brand new, hopefully helping many who looking for assistance in this area. The primary offering will be a 12 day training called “A Course in Scheduling” which will be offered for free.

A New Study Is Being Launched (updated)

Ja prof in Tdad projectYou may be familiar with our 2007 study – “The Trinidadian Executive in Jamaica.” It remains the standard in practical, cross-Caribbean studies of cultural differences experienced by working professionals. (Download a copy here.)

On the heels of its success we are launching a new study: The Jamaican Professional in Trinidad.

If you are willing to be interviewed and/or surveyed anonymously, or know someone who might be, do let me know here.

Once again, the intent is not to generate academic data. We intend the final result to be a useful companion for Jamaican professionals hoping to make an effective transition to living and working in the twin-island republic.

Can Time Be Managed? Now Available

can-time-be-managedGood news! My publication is available as a free download. It’s a deep dive into a question that many have puzzled over – Can Time Be Managed? Or, does time management exist?

Many have attempted brief answers to these questions but this is the first attempt to tackle it from multiple angles, using the lens of a variety of disciplines.

It’s available as a free download by filling in the form below.

September – A busy Month of New Articles at 2Time Labs

This back-to-school month is shaping up to be a busy one for me at 2Time Labs.

I have four articles coming out that have been in the works for months – my free time over the summer was spent bringing them to completion.

The first was just released: it’s the second in The Notified Self series, focusing on a new requirement of modern professionals – they must set up alarms and alerts that tell them when emergencies are about to take place in their environment. As I mentioned in the first article, developers aren’t working together to give users a seamless experience. Instead, as users we must cobble one together that works for us and in this article, I offer some more specific help. It’s entitled: How to Set Up “The Warned Self” to Protect Your Peace of Mind.

The third and final article in the series focuses on The Informed Self and it will appear in the next few days.

I will also publish my multi-disciplinary, deep-diving answer to “Can Time Be Managed?” as a Special Report.

Around the same time you can expect an article geared towards designers and developers of task management apps. It should be of interest to anyone who uses task management software and wants the experience to be more engaging. Taking the ideas in my book, I apply them in a way that’s brand new… and the first of another three part series. I haven’t finalized the title of this first piece, but the working version is: What Task Management App Developers Can Do to Catch Up with Pokemon Go.

From the title you may see where this one is going!

But here’s the article to start with now – How to Set Up “The Warned Self” to Protect Your Peace of Mind.

Getting Involved in App Development

2015 has been a year of change.

One of these changes marks the first time Framework has become involved in the development of a software application. While SkedPal is almost completed, I recently accepted an offer to join their Advisory Board.

It’s a unique opportunity – a chance to apply the thinking in time-based productivity in a very new way.

For more detail, and to check to see if the Beta Trial is still accepting new members, click here.

Launch Results, HRMATT Conference, PMI Tech Talk

On May 15th Framework had a successful launch of my book, Perfect Time-Based Productivity. For a short report of the evening’s activities, visit this link for updates –

Also, I’ll be speaking at the HRMATT Conference in June in Port of Spain.

Recently I gave a Technical Talk at the PMISCC monthly meeting. It was a prelude to another speech I’ll be giving at the biennial conference in September.

My New Compilation

Compilation cover 2014Finally it’s ready – a brand new compilation of articles that covers all my columns through December 2014.

If you have been a regular reader you may be interested in catching up on any articles you may have missed. I know that it’s difficult to read everything due to the fortnightly nature of my columns in Jamaica, and quarterly frequency of articles in Trinidad.

But you can also read articles as far back as 2010, making sure that you haven’t missed a single one.

If you happen to be a new reader, welcome to you! This summary will take you to over 90 articles written for the press in the last few years. Each of them tackles a topic I hope you find interesting.

They cover a single theme – how to make the Caribbean workplace more productive.

In addition, you will find access to over 50 radio interviews (via CaribHR.Radio) plus a few television interviews.

Follow your interests from one topic to the next – I hope you find the work I have done to be valuable. Also, you may use the compilation as a resource by doing a search for keywords you already have an interest in exploring. This will shorten the time it takes for you to grab a useful insight just before you need it!

P.S. For a limited time, if you download the report, I’ll also send you a copy of our exclusive summary of the outstanding book, Why Workers Won’t Work, by Kenneth Carter.