019 Maker, Manager and the Artist’s Productivity – ProductivityCast

Eight years ago Paul Graham wrote an article characterizing two different types of time management, each centering on either a maker or manager perspective. The maker schedule is that of the individual who needs longer stretches of time in order to create, whereas the manager schedule is structured around meetings and shorter periods of work times. But times, they are a-changing...and fast!  In this cast, the ProductivityCast team looks at potentially new additions to the maker and manager schedules (ergo, the maker, manager and the artist's productivity...and individual, too!), and how to attempt to master time management in a changing world. Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Art Gelwicks Show Notes Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. SkedPal “Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule” by Paul Graham Maker vs Manager’s Schedules Brainswarming Google Calendar Principle of Universalizability The Platinum Rule by Dr. Tony Alessandra The Platinum Rule - Sample Report Keirsey Temperament Sorter 16 Personalities Holacracy McKinsey article: http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/making-time-management-the-organizations-priority Meetingless Meetings by Francis Wade Getting Things Done by David Allen Agile project management RescueTime Top Brain, Bottom Brain: Surprising Insights into How You Think by Stephen Kosslyn and G. Wayne Miller Raw Text Transcript Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast's audio). Read More Are you ready to manage your work and personal world better to live a fulfilling productive life then you've come to the right place productivity cast the weekly show about all things product to Vittie here your host Ray Sidney Smith and Augusto Pinaud with Francis Wade and Art Gelwicks Welcome everybody to ProductivityCast the weekly show about all things personal productivity we're back we're going to be talking about something really interesting to find is the maker versus manager schedules and this is a an article that was written by Paul Graham sort of an idea developed by Paul Graham back in the system when when was this article written two thousand and nine o'clock in America it's been this very older piece of work but it has it set the stage for a concept and personal productivity that I think is really important to us all I'm curious about everyone's thoughts here as we make our way through this conversation and so do you want to start off with explaining what the maker schedule is versus the manager schedule and what Paul Graham was really talking about yes the article hardens the good there is two kinds of Scots who when he goes by your schedule research for this in all twenty minutes half an hour's Ketzel were do jump from one task to the other and can really make your essential into smaller pieces if you go even today to more mother reason articles about it you will find people Musk who said he's got his schedule in five minutes increment money then not even twenty minutes one amongst a lot of people used to work then you have what he calls the maker is going to him to sketch Oh poor people on projects who require a different timetable so if you think about coding for example rather than a piece of software or a program no webpage or. Writing a book or even or in an article are things that as much as we all wish they can happen in ten minutes increments usual...

018 Think More, Do Less, Get More Done – ProductivityCast

There was a recent study of ravens that found they can plan. They can do the simple-to-humans function of planning for future possibilities. Only known to be a capability of humans and apes before, ravens (or, corvids) have now joined the elite thinkers of planet Earth. But, what does planning have to do with productivity? Why, everything! And, that's what the ProductivityCast team entertains in this cast--the importance of planning and getting into action so that you can get more done by thinking more about the right things and doing less of the unproductive things on your way to your goals. So, enjoy this episode on how to think more, do less, get more done. Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast | think more, do less, get more done Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Show Notes | think more, do less, get more done Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. Ravens—like humans and apes—can plan for the future Getting Things Done by David Allen Google Drive Dropbox Gmail Evernote OneNote Flow Deliberate practice Deep Work (book) Deep Work (Productivity Book Group) Raw Text Transcript | think more, do less, get more done Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast's audio). Read More Are you ready to manage your work and personal world better to live a fulfilling productive life then you've come to the right place product to be cast the weekly showboat all things product to Vittie here your host Ray Sidney-Smith and Augusto Pinaud with Francis Wade and Art Gelwicks Hello and welcome to productivitycast the weekly show about all things personal productivity I'm Ray Sidney-Smith and I'm joined here with Augusto Pinaud and Francis Wade Welcome to the show guys good morning oh is everybody doing to be back I'm doing really well and today we're going to be talking about thinking about thinking we're going to talk about thinking about your productivity system and getting into action and we were just talking before the show recording about this study that was done back in July of twenty seventeen what these research scientists have discovered was that Ravens or corvids the birds known as corvids Jays crows and ravens all showed signs of planning I'm reading here out of a science mag dot org article which I'll link to in the show notes and so it turns out that humans apes not monkeys and birds all have the ability to plan and as the article says quote planning is the ability to think through future events taking place at a different location and quote and so really for us thinking about our personal productivity I think it's really important for us to all think about how we plan how we think about the future in the perspective of getting things done and so for me I really have always stood on the the the perspective or stood from the perspective that our cognitive skills are very similar to the way in which athletes condition and plan for competing in events and that week I think that we miss appropriately think that we're all. Running marathons when in reality we're actually playing you know small sprints throughout our lives even throughout our days and we need to be conditioning ourselves and planning effectively for each of those variety of sprints and our specialized sprints right so particular type of Sprint that you would prepare for would be in a in a say of racing or running you know athletic event would be maybe the pole jump or...

017 Overcoming Your Own Productivity System – ProductivityCast

Ray starts out most productivity seminars with a fundamental definition of a productivity system: a dynamic set of skills, strategies and tools, that you adapt as your life circumstances change. And, as you'll hear from Francis in this episode, you have the system that usually developed organically, not out of planning necessarily. So, in many ways, you need to overcome your own productivity system that developed to a productivity system that you have built to match your needs and wants today. Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Show Notes Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. Evernote OmniFocus 2 3 Superpowers you need to survive improvement fatigue by Francis Wade The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of The Learning Organization, Revised & Updated Edition by Peter Senge Raw Text Transcript Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast's audio). 0:00:00.000,0:00:03.870 are you ready to manage your work and 0:00:02.159,0:00:06.120 personal world better to live a 0:00:03.870,0:00:07.350 fulfilling productive life then you've 0:00:06.120,0:00:09.809 come to the right place 0:00:07.350,0:00:12.059 productivity cast the weekly show about 0:00:09.809,0:00:14.480 all things productivity here are your 0:00:12.059,0:00:17.880 hosts Ray Sidney-Smith and Augusto 0:00:14.480,0:00:19.560 Pinaud, Francis Wade and Art Gelwicks welcome 0:00:17.880,0:00:21.630 back to another episode of productivity 0:00:19.560,0:00:23.970 cast the weekly show about all things 0:00:21.630,0:00:25.800 personal productivity I'm Ray Sidney-Smith 0:00:23.970,0:00:28.590 and I am joined here today by 0:00:25.800,0:00:33.270 Augusto Pinaud and Francis Wade how's it 0:00:28.590,0:00:35.219 going guys great wonderful wonderful 0:00:33.270,0:00:38.579 today we are going to be talking about 0:00:35.219,0:00:40.350 overcoming your own productivity system 0:00:38.579,0:00:43.500 and while that might sound a little 0:00:40.350,0:00:46.170 vague we will explain to you what we are 0:00:43.500,0:00:47.430 talking about very shortly and to do 0:00:46.170,0:00:50.640 that what I'm going to do is I'm gonna 0:00:47.430,0:00:53.160 pass the baton the microphone virtually 0:00:50.640,0:00:54.809 to Francis Francis if you want to 0:00:53.160,0:00:56.699 explain to us a little bit about what it 0:00:54.809,0:00:58.890 means to overcome your own productivity 0:00:56.699,0:01:00.930 system in the context of what you have 0:00:58.890,0:01:03.030 written about in the past which is this 0:01:00.930,0:01:04.619 idea that you have the system you 0:01:03.030,0:01:07.100 deserve could you explain that a little 0:01:04.619,0:01:09.689 bit to folks so that they can understand 0:01:07.100,0:01:10.920 what that really means in terms of 0:01:09.689,0:01:20.369 having the system 0:01:10.920,0:01:22.200 you deserve it sounds terrible there 0:01:20.369,0:01:26.580 might be there's a responsibility issue 0:01:22.200,0:01:27.780 it's not blame its responsibility okay 0:01:26.580,0:01:30.509 that's much better thank you for 0:01:27.780,0:01:32.189 cleaning that up but you know before the 0:01:30.509,0:01:35.460 call Augusto said it well that everyone 0:01:32.189,0:01:37.439 has a system and that system was was it 0:01:35.460,0:01:38.640 didn't just were born with it obviously 0:01:37.439,0:01:41.610 it's something that we developed in 0:01:38.640,0:01:44.

016 The Power of Reflection – ProductivityCast

Consider this: you couldn't have gotten to this cast without reflection. Consciously or unconsciously, you reflected on taking that action that lead you here, right now, preparing to listen to ProductivityCast. But, downloading this episode won't simply, magically make you more productive. There's much more to it. You need to listen to the substance, then reflect on how the knowledge bomb Augusto, Francis and Art drop in this cast will help you. ;) So, enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Art Gelwicks Show Notes Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, PhD Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen Evernote OneNote SkedPal Todoist Mind map Research on mind mapping Bullet Journal Raw Text Transcript Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast's audio). Transcript coming soon!

015 Creating Your Ideal Workspace – ProductivityCast

Where do you work best? And for what type of work (focused thinking work, diffuse thinking work, mundane/ministerial tasks, big projects that require multiple modalities, or specialized handcrafting) do you do best in what environment? Creating your ideal workspace is important to being able to be and stay productive. In this cast, the ProductivityCast team discusses the factors and tools to get and sustain productivity in your workspace. Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Art Gelwicks Show Notes Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. The Zeigarnik Effect Digital Bankruptcy Inbox Zero Unclutterer 80/20 Pareto Principle Raw Text Transcript Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast's audio). 0:00:00.030,0:00:04.110 are you ready to manage your work and 0:00:02.159,0:00:06.000 personal world better to live a more 0:00:04.110,0:00:07.109 fulfilling productive life then you've 0:00:06.000,0:00:09.809 come to the right place 0:00:07.109,0:00:12.360 welcome to productivity cast the weekly 0:00:09.809,0:00:14.820 show about all things productivity here 0:00:12.360,0:00:18.029 are your hosts Ray Sidney-Smith and 0:00:14.820,0:00:20.939 Augusto Pinaud good morning everybody and 0:00:18.029,0:00:24.180 welcome to productivity cast the weekly 0:00:20.939,0:00:28.410 show about all things productivity today 0:00:24.180,0:00:31.890 we have Francis Wade and Art Gelwicks 0:00:28.410,0:00:33.930 with us and with me Augusto Pinaud 0:00:31.890,0:00:36.540 and Ray is somewhere in the world 0:00:33.930,0:00:39.149 missing hopefully having fun or sleeping 0:00:36.540,0:00:41.390 according to the recording time we have 0:00:39.149,0:00:45.719 today we are going to be talking about 0:00:41.390,0:00:48.899 creating your ideal workspace it is 0:00:45.719,0:00:51.059 important to understand what are the 0:00:48.899,0:00:53.730 needs of your work-place mostly or the 0:00:51.059,0:00:57.149 workspace mostly because you know will 0:00:53.730,0:01:00.600 allows you to establish higher levels of 0:00:57.149,0:01:02.430 productivity in that space or if you are 0:01:00.600,0:01:05.729 the lucky kind who can have it anywhere 0:01:02.430,0:01:08.400 anywhere so today we would like to split 0:01:05.729,0:01:11.909 the show in three parts the first part 0:01:08.400,0:01:14.070 will be where do we work best the second 0:01:11.909,0:01:17.330 part were the factors for that 0:01:14.070,0:01:20.580 and finally the effects on having that 0:01:17.330,0:01:23.759 ideal workspace and what you should if 0:01:20.580,0:01:25.560 you should have ownership on it or not 0:01:23.759,0:01:29.400 so how are you guys this morning 0:01:25.560,0:01:32.189 I'm fine a bang I'm doing well it's a 0:01:29.400,0:01:34.380 kind of drizzly day here right now but 0:01:32.189,0:01:36.900 you know mountain about mmm working 0:01:34.380,0:01:38.939 weird work needs to be done so I'm doing 0:01:36.900,0:01:41.220 well how about you been pretty good 0:01:38.939,0:01:44.130 doing pretty good and joined a really 0:01:41.220,0:01:46.649 nice day out of the window so I'm 0:01:44.130,0:01:48.659 working on the home office today and 0:01:46.649,0:01:52.380 record in actually from the home office 0:01:48.659,0:01:55.710 let's start this conversation where did 0:01:52.380,0:01:59.780 you work best my first thought was that 0:01:55.710,0:02:04.530

014 Productivity and the Need for Speed – ProductivityCast

Is doing more faster really better? When is slow good for productivity? That’s what the ProductivityCast team seeks to find out in this cast on productivity and the need for speed! Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Art Gelwicks Show Notes Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. Weekly Review (GTD) 4AM - Augusto Pinaud “Effective Utilization” (primarily in consulting) Ray’s Unschedule video tutorial (based on The Now Habit by Dr. Neil Fiore) PROCRASTINATION, DEADLINES, AND PERFORMANCE: Self-Control by Precommitment by Dan Ariely and Klaus Wertenbroch Francis’s paper, Reducing the Risk of Un-Productive Team Members Mindset by Carol Dweck, PhD The pace of life in 31 countries Reducing the Risk of Un-Productive Team Members The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, PhD I’m So Busy I Must Be Important Raw Text Transcript Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast's audio). 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.110 are you ready to manage your work and 0:00:02.159,0:00:06.000 personal world better to live a more 0:00:04.110,0:00:07.109 fulfilling productive life then you've 0:00:06.000,0:00:09.809 come to the right place 0:00:07.109,0:00:12.540 welcome to productivity cast the weekly 0:00:09.809,0:00:15.000 show about all things productivity here 0:00:12.540,0:00:16.940 are your hosts Ray Sidney-Smith and 0:00:15.000,0:00:19.920 Augusto Pinaud 0:00:16.940,0:00:21.570 welcome everybody to productivity cast 0:00:19.920,0:00:23.880 the weekly show about all things 0:00:21.570,0:00:25.980 personal productivity we are back with 0:00:23.880,0:00:28.710 another action-packed episode of 0:00:25.980,0:00:29.279 productivity cast I have with me on the 0:00:28.710,0:00:31.800 show today 0:00:29.279,0:00:34.610 Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade and 0:00:31.800,0:00:37.890 Art Gelwicks we're going to be talking about 0:00:34.610,0:00:40.200 productivity and the need for speed you 0:00:37.890,0:00:43.200 know I'm a New Yorker as some people 0:00:40.200,0:00:46.410 know and as a New Yorker I'm frequently 0:00:43.200,0:00:48.420 told that I speak really fast and I tell 0:00:46.410,0:00:52.710 them that I just am more efficient with 0:00:48.420,0:00:54.449 communicating but but you know what's 0:00:52.710,0:00:55.890 really interesting about this is that I 0:00:54.449,0:00:58.739 think that I think that there are 0:00:55.890,0:01:01.739 different ways in which at least in 0:00:58.739,0:01:03.930 English people tend to see language 0:01:01.739,0:01:06.689 being communicated faster or slower for 0:01:03.930,0:01:08.430 example the British speak faster than 0:01:06.689,0:01:11.600 Americans they tend to think Americans 0:01:08.430,0:01:14.070 speak very very slowly with a drawl and 0:01:11.600,0:01:17.670 and I'm I've always been curious about 0:01:14.070,0:01:20.970 the the sort of linguistic cultures that 0:01:17.670,0:01:23.159 have developed because of that and but 0:01:20.970,0:01:26.820 today but I really want to focus on for 0:01:23.159,0:01:30.060 us all is really the importance of speed 0:01:26.820,0:01:32.520 in a productivity system that one is 0:01:30.060,0:01:34.710 developing what are the issues that we 0:01:32.520,0:01:37.259 tend to encounter when we when we do go 0:01:34.710,0:01:39.030 for speed over say any number of other 0:01:37.259,0:01:41.490

013 Getting Unstuck! – ProductivityCast

Have you ever gotten stuck? Are you stuck right now? How do you get unstuck? Well, getting unstuck is tough, but it's doable! In this cast, the ProductivityCast team discusses what gets us stuck and methods for getting unstuck. Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Art Gelwicks Show Notes Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. What Designers of Task Management Apps Can Do to Catch Up with Pokemon Go by Francis Wade 50 Shades of Grey (if you didn’t get Augusto’s joke ? ) Getting Things Done by David Allen OmniFocus 2 Todoist Any.do Habitica (f/k/a HabitRPG) (Let us know if you’d like to join Ray’s GTD Habitica Party!) Intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation SuperBetter - Jane McGonigal, PhD (McGonigal’s TED talk) Jerry Seinfeld / Don’t Break the Chain Bullet Journal Unstuck app Tim Ferriss - “deconstruction of expert process”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSq9uGs_z0E https://tim.blog/2016/10/06/the-art-and-science-of-learning-anything-faster/ Human Senses Raw Text Transcript Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast's audio). 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.110 are you ready to manage your work and 0:00:02.159,0:00:06.000 personal world better to live a more 0:00:04.110,0:00:07.109 fulfilling productive life then you've 0:00:06.000,0:00:09.809 come to the right place 0:00:07.109,0:00:12.540 welcome to productivity cast the weekly 0:00:09.809,0:00:15.000 show about all things productivity here 0:00:12.540,0:00:18.510 are your hosts Ray Sidney-Smith and 0:00:15.000,0:00:20.220 Augusto Pinaud hello everybody and 0:00:18.510,0:00:22.289 welcome back to another episode of 0:00:20.220,0:00:25.080 productivitycast the weekly show about 0:00:22.289,0:00:28.680 all things personal productivity today 0:00:25.080,0:00:31.230 on the show we have Augusto Pinaud Art 0:00:28.680,0:00:33.210 Gelwicks and Francis Wade welcome 0:00:31.230,0:00:35.640 everybody how's it going good morning 0:00:33.210,0:00:36.030 going great it's going great thanks a 0:00:35.640,0:00:38.280 lot 0:00:36.030,0:00:40.800 awesome so excited to have everybody on 0:00:38.280,0:00:43.950 for this recording because we're talking 0:00:40.800,0:00:46.559 about getting unstuck I wanted to I 0:00:43.950,0:00:48.480 wanted to lead off with just what we all 0:00:46.559,0:00:51.660 are thinking about when we talk about 0:00:48.480,0:00:53.879 getting stuck in the first place and how 0:00:51.660,0:00:56.190 and and what that means in the context 0:00:53.879,0:00:58.350 of productivity art had come up with a 0:00:56.190,0:00:59.520 really great suggestion which is that at 0:00:58.350,0:01:02.699 the end of the episode 0:00:59.520,0:01:06.180 we're each going to rapid-fire give some 0:01:02.699,0:01:08.460 of our own sort of tactical techniques 0:01:06.180,0:01:10.229 for our you know sort of our quick 0:01:08.460,0:01:14.250 tactics for being able to get unstuck 0:01:10.229,0:01:15.780 when we ourselves get stuck so we will 0:01:14.250,0:01:17.759 close out the episode with that but 0:01:15.780,0:01:21.479 let's let's start with just your 0:01:17.759,0:01:24.060 thoughts on what is getting stuck and 0:01:21.479,0:01:27.630 what is getting unstuck then as its 0:01:24.060,0:01:30.630 inverse I've found myself stuck in a 0:01:27.630,0:01:33.240 serious way when I moved back to Jamaica 0:01:30.630,0:01:36.390

012 Productivity and Its Relationship to Integrity – ProductivityCast

Source: Google               "If the things we believe in are different than the things we do, there can be no true happiness." —Dana Telford The ProductivityCast team tackles the concept of integrity and its relationship to your productivity system. Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Show Notes Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, PhD The 8th Habit by Stephen Covey, PhD Servant leadership Evernote Skedpal House, MD Pocket Instapaper Raw Text Transcript Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast's audio). 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.110 are you ready to manage your work and 0:00:02.159,0:00:06.000 personal world better to live a more 0:00:04.110,0:00:07.109 fulfilling productive life then you've 0:00:06.000,0:00:09.809 come to the right place 0:00:07.109,0:00:12.540 welcome to productivity cast the weekly 0:00:09.809,0:00:15.000 show about all things productivity here 0:00:12.540,0:00:16.800 are your hosts Ray Sidney-Smith and 0:00:15.000,0:00:19.230 Augusto Pinaud 0:00:16.800,0:00:21.869 hello again productivity enthusiasts 0:00:19.230,0:00:23.670 this is productivity cast the weekly 0:00:21.869,0:00:25.410 show about all things personal 0:00:23.670,0:00:27.090 productivity I'm Ray Sidney-Smith and 0:00:25.410,0:00:30.529 I'm joined here today with Augusto 0:00:27.090,0:00:34.200 Pinaud and Francis Wade welcome guys 0:00:30.529,0:00:37.410 good to be here good morning Ray's great 0:00:34.200,0:00:38.850 we have a fantastic show today we are 0:00:37.410,0:00:41.129 going to be talking a little bit 0:00:38.850,0:00:43.170 philosophically today not that we don't 0:00:41.129,0:00:46.320 philosophically talk on most episodes 0:00:43.170,0:00:48.870 right but but today we're gonna be 0:00:46.320,0:00:52.170 talking about productivity and its 0:00:48.870,0:00:54.120 relationship to integrity and what I 0:00:52.170,0:00:57.420 wanted us to do is to start off with a 0:00:54.120,0:00:58.980 discussion about how we actually define 0:00:57.420,0:01:01.440 integrity because I think it's actually 0:00:58.980,0:01:05.820 very different from person to person in 0:01:01.440,0:01:10.110 terms of what integrity is I think for 0:01:05.820,0:01:13.159 me integrity means having a system that 0:01:10.110,0:01:17.220 is complete so that nothing is missing 0:01:13.159,0:01:19.979 that there are no elements that are out 0:01:17.220,0:01:21.740 of place but I find with a lot of my 0:01:19.979,0:01:24.479 clients and people that train is that 0:01:21.740,0:01:27.590 their systems are are for the most part 0:01:24.479,0:01:29.460 self developed or self created and 0:01:27.590,0:01:31.409 somewhere in their teens they put 0:01:29.460,0:01:34.799 together a bunch of habits practices and 0:01:31.409,0:01:37.170 tools and they come into adulthood and 0:01:34.799,0:01:38.430 sometimes in late adulthood never really 0:01:37.170,0:01:41.369 having examined what they put together 0:01:38.430,0:01:44.220 and as a result sometimes something is 0:01:41.369,0:01:46.290 missing so for example I'm working with 0:01:44.220,0:01:47.430 one client one trainee who told me that 0:01:46.290,0:01:50.369 you know she was feeling really guilty 0:01:47.430,0:01:52.939 because she couldn't remember all of her 0:01:50.369,0:01:56.340

011 What will it take to change to the opposite platform than you’re currently on? – ProductivityCast

In the last episode, Art asked a poignant and thought-provoking question of the ProductivityCast team? "What would it take to change to the opposite platform or operating system than the one you're currently on?" It piqued our interest to think and discuss this, so that's what we're doing on this episode! Enjoy! Have you thought about a change to the opposite platform, operating system, or ecosystem than you're currently using? What were your experiences? Let us know; we love feedback and user experiences! Also, please subscribe, and also leave a rating on your favorite podcast app/directory. And, thank you for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, you can also click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Art Gelwicks Show Notes Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. WWDC (Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference) Star Wars Edge of The Empire RPG: Beyond The Rim Star Wars Force and Destiny RPG Beginner Game Google Drive Dropbox PushBullet Raw Text Transcript Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. The time coding is h:mm:ss.ms to h:mm:ss.ms (e.g., 0:00:00.000,0:00:04.000 starts at 0.00 seconds and ends at 4 seconds in the cast's audio).  0:00:00.000,0:00:04.110 are you ready to manage your work and 0:00:02.159,0:00:06.000 personal world better to live a more 0:00:04.110,0:00:07.109 fulfilling productive life then you've 0:00:06.000,0:00:09.780 come to the right place 0:00:07.109,0:00:12.540 welcome to productivity cast the weekly 0:00:09.780,0:00:15.000 show about all things productivity here 0:00:12.540,0:00:16.800 are your hosts Ray Sidney-Smith and 0:00:15.000,0:00:18.990 Augusto Pinaud 0:00:16.800,0:00:21.330 the one question we didn't answer we 0:00:18.990,0:00:23.130 didn't ask and it probably could be a 0:00:21.330,0:00:25.260 whole separate discussion would you 0:00:23.130,0:00:27.480 switch is there something that would 0:00:25.260,0:00:31.070 compel you to switch from one to the 0:00:27.480,0:00:36.000 other and that's a really hard question 0:00:31.070,0:00:38.570 so is it really the device that's making 0:00:36.000,0:00:41.629 the difference or is it us 0:00:38.570,0:00:44.510 welcome everybody to productivity cast 0:00:41.629,0:00:48.870 today we are going to have a 0:00:44.510,0:00:52.559 continuation of last week's conversation 0:00:48.870,0:00:56.100 and today we have Augusto Pinaud Art 0:00:52.559,0:01:00.210 Gelwicks and Francis Wade last episode 0:00:56.100,0:01:02.219 listeners heard us debating the the 0:01:00.210,0:01:05.070 whole idea of smartphone productivity 0:01:02.219,0:01:07.619 choosing smartphones and the various 0:01:05.070,0:01:10.650 features both hardware and software wise 0:01:07.619,0:01:13.320 we're doing so Art Gelwicks came up with 0:01:10.650,0:01:14.880 this question at the end so art what 0:01:13.320,0:01:16.920 were you thinking when you asked that 0:01:14.880,0:01:19.110 question and we're gonna we're gonna 0:01:16.920,0:01:21.540 have that conversation today and really 0:01:19.110,0:01:22.979 discuss what it would take for us to 0:01:21.540,0:01:25.500 switch sides 0:01:22.979,0:01:27.570 whether you're Apple going to Android or 0:01:25.500,0:01:30.869 if you're on the Android platform going 0:01:27.570,0:01:33.540 to Apple or even Windows Phone and 0:01:30.869,0:01:35.549 making the switch to to Apple or 0:01:33.540,0:01:37.020 otherwise so so are you want to give us 0:01:35.549,0:01:37.340 some background there and we'll go from 0:01:37.020,0:01:40.650 there 0:01:37.340,0:01:45.750 okay it was really a kind of a two-part 0:01:40.650,0:01:47.490

010 The Most Productive Smartphone – ProductivityCast

And, the gloves come off! In this episode, the ProductivityCast gang dukes out the merits of a productive smartphone. We discuss the specific models we use, customization, productivity app selection, ease of use / intuitiveness, form factor, customer / technical support, and how to be most productive on your smartphone. Enjoy! Give us feedback! And, thanks for listening! If you'd like to discuss this episode, please click here to leave a comment down below (this jumps you to the bottom of the post). In this Cast Ray Sidney-Smith Augusto Pinaud Francis Wade Art Gelwicks Show Notes Resources we mention, including links to them will be provided here. Please listen to the episode for context. Handspring PalmPilot #iPadOnly by Augusto Pinaud Appification Microsoft Office Professional Quantified Self Huawei Watch AndroidWear Instant (Android/iOS) Android Support Apple Genius Bar Raw Text Transcript Raw, unedited and machine-produced text transcript so there may be substantial errors, but you can search for specific points in the episode to jump to, or to reference back to at a later date and time, by keywords or key phrases. 0:00:00.030,0:00:04.080 are you ready to manage your work and 0:00:02.100,0:00:05.910 personal world better to live a more 0:00:04.080,0:00:06.750 fulfilling productive life then you've 0:00:05.910,0:00:09.660 come to the right place 0:00:06.750,0:00:12.360 welcome to productivity cast the weekly 0:00:09.660,0:00:14.790 show about all things productivity here 0:00:12.360,0:00:18.660 are your hosts Ray Sidney-Smith and 0:00:14.790,0:00:21.449 Augusto Pinaud welcome back everybody to 0:00:18.660,0:00:24.029 productivity cast episode 10 I wish had 0:00:21.449,0:00:26.849 a kazoo it's a it's the birthday tenth 0:00:24.029,0:00:28.500 episode of productivity cast so thank 0:00:26.849,0:00:30.869 you all for listening and thank you for 0:00:28.500,0:00:33.360 joining us here today I'm joined with a 0:00:30.869,0:00:36.600 gusto pin out my co-host as well as 0:00:33.360,0:00:38.940 Francis Wade and Art Gelwicks so we are all 0:00:36.600,0:00:42.739 together here today for this episode 0:00:38.940,0:00:46.379 let's get into it today we are going to 0:00:42.739,0:00:50.850 mostly fight in good good faith and good 0:00:46.379,0:00:53.820 effort about smartphone productivity and 0:00:50.850,0:00:57.390 and in essence what the best smartphone 0:00:53.820,0:00:59.100 is out there to be most productive and I 0:00:57.390,0:01:01.980 thought that what we would cover today 0:00:59.100,0:01:05.070 was was really the the essence of how we 0:01:01.980,0:01:06.900 use our phones to be productive and in 0:01:05.070,0:01:08.520 the vein of the mobile productivity 0:01:06.900,0:01:10.890 topics that we have had over the last 0:01:08.520,0:01:14.640 several episodes I want us to talk about 0:01:10.890,0:01:17.549 the pros and cons of the various nomally 0:01:14.640,0:01:20.400 hardware put software that we use for 0:01:17.549,0:01:22.820 our smart phones so I think it's 0:01:20.400,0:01:27.659 probably best for us to go around and 0:01:22.820,0:01:30.509 say what our primary smartphone is that 0:01:27.659,0:01:31.110 we're using today and then we'll get 0:01:30.509,0:01:35.130 into it 0:01:31.110,0:01:38.430 so I'll start I am currently using a 0:01:35.130,0:01:41.520 Google Nexus 5x as my primary phone and 0:01:38.430,0:01:45.390 I am running Android nougat which is 0:01:41.520,0:01:47.040 seven point X so the latest version of 0:01:45.390,0:01:49.110 seven point I think is seven point one 0:01:47.040,0:01:50.130 point something that's what I'm doing 0:01:49.110,0:01:52.140 well 0:01:50.130,0:01:54.180 apparently was established before these 0:01:52.140,0:01:57.649 girls start recording that I you have a 0:01:54.180,0:02:03.450 dumb phone and my gum phone is running 0:01:57.649,0:02:08.429 can access six plus so you have the six 0:02:03.450,0:02:12.390