Injecting Insipid Plans with Strategic Essence

Ensuring your plan possesses a genuine strategy is crucial, yet sometimes, strategic plans lack strategic essence. Here’s why this happens and how to prevent it.

Imagine joining a new management team and attempting to grasp the existing strategic plan. You ask for documentation due to the confusing explanations from your new colleagues. However, reviewing the outputs from the last planning project doesn’t provide the clarity you seek. Instead, it overwhelms with numerous words and diagrams, leaving you feeling lost. The strategy fails to emerge from the pages.

But don’t worry—it’s not you. The issue lies in the strategy’s formulation. Often, strategic planning results in nothing more than a wish-list or a laundry-list.

The wish-list resembles a child’s letter to Santa—dreams of a pony, a helicopter, and a 65-inch television. Similarly, the strategic plan includes all good things imaginable without any hard choices being made.

Conversely, the laundry-list mirrors disorganized ad-hoc tasks lacking clear reasoning. Even when categorized for readability, their origin and purpose remain obscure. They reveal a lack of real thought.

But let’s not be too critical. While every strategic plan includes goals and action items, these lists miss conveying the essence of the chosen strategy. Consequently, they fail to distinguish it from plans in similar organizations.

At the core of a poor strategic plan a crucial element is missing—the strategic hypothesis. It might not be officially named as such, but its essence is critical.

To craft this essential hypothetical element, understand that strategic hypotheses, though sounding abstract, are simple in concept. Recognize that testing a strategy’s validity only happens through implementation—until then, it’s an educated guess, a hypothesis.

Why this approach? Because true strategic planning begins with incomplete information, lacking valuable historical data to predict success. Additionally, the human element and flawed communication within leadership contribute to unpredictability. Moreover, the ever-changing external environment adds another layer of variability.

This unpredictability poses challenges, making long-term strategic planning daunting for some executives. They find leaving things to chance easier than forging a hypothesis that demands multiple steps, significant investments, and years of effort.

However, positive examples exist of companies incorporating game-changing strategic hypotheses. Take Steve Jobs and Apple in 2000, during the Dot-Com Bust. Despite adversity, they formulated a 10-year strategic hypothesis—shifting from selling high-end desktops to interconnected devices like the iPod, iPhone, and iPad. This innovation led Apple from near-bankruptcy to become the world’s most valued company.

Jamaica’s GraceKennedy, in the 1990s, facing currency challenges, devised a 25-year vision (GK2020) to enter financial services and overseas markets. This move saved it from disaster and yielded monumental results.

In all strategic hypotheses, intricate links exist between proposed actions and desired outcomes. Apple and GK couldn’t guarantee success with limited information, yet their bold moves changed their trajectories.

So, can your executive team craft a game-changing strategic hypothesis? Though not easy, doing so could make all the difference.

How to Effectively Manage Cynical Employees

In every organisation, there are employees whose primary motivation is simply trading their time for a paycheck. Unfortunately, these individuals contribute to creating a negative and toxic work environment that is detrimental to the leadership team. Negativity takes over the corporate culture.

Is there a way to tap into greater motivation among your staff? As a C-Suite executive or board member, can you do more to provide your employees with a chance to discover meaning in their work?

One surprising revelation for many first-time managers is the prevalence of cynicism among their former, non-supervisory colleagues. In some cases, the majority of the workforce can be deeply cynical, and their negative outlook can be contagious.

Over time, this pervasive cynicism erodes a sense of purpose in the workplace, leaving only the newly hired employees with a glimmer of enthusiasm. Unfortunately, even these newcomers often lose their initial spark after a few months.

In response to this lack of meaning at work, employees may seek fulfilment in other areas of their lives, such as social media, gaming, religion, family, hobbies, vacations, side-hustles, or even consider resignation or migration. A handful may even end up feeling depressed.

However, it’s essential to view these responses as a positive sign. They reflect a fundamental human desire for a purposeful life, a concept echoed in Viktor Frankl’s book “Man’s Search for Meaning” and the movie “Life is Beautiful.”

Regrettably, many CEOs fail to acknowledge this deep-seated need and struggle to connect with their staff’s deeper aspirations. Here are some critical steps to address this challenge effectively.

1. Lead with Bold, Inspiring Goals

CEOs are often successful in inspiring their close C-Suite colleagues who naturally exhibit high self-motivation. However, there’s a tendency for a disconnect to occur with employees at lower levels, which can lead to a perception of a gap.

However, some CEOs have realised that they share the same desire for making a difference as their employees. When people at all levels feel frustrated due to thwarted aspirations, it leads to inaction. By contrast, rallying the organisation around Big Hairy Audacious Goals (BHAGs) is a powerful way to ignite engagement at every level. Without such ambitious goals, you risk settling for a business-as-usual approach.

However, not just any BHAG will do. Goals like “double profits at all costs” may meet the criteria but lack deep meaning to most. In fact, the world now demands holistic collections of BHAGs.

Case in point: the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These multi-pronged commitments address the interests of multiple stakeholders simultaneously.

This approach works even when individual goals are average. They only achieve BHAG status in unison, making them more attractive, but also more difficult.

2. Embrace Credible BHAGs


Thankfully, these goal collections tend to be more sustainable as they take into account multiple perspectives. This boosts their credibility a little.

But, this is only the beginning. The SDGs are currently facing the type of problem that arises when goals are combined. They consist of 17 goals and 169 targets and were established in 2015. People doubt the feasibility of their overly ambitious vision for 2030.

It’s unsurprising that they are completely off-course. They resemble more of a wish-list rather than a serious commitment. Countries have converted the project into a perfunctory “check-the-box” exercise in response.

Yet, this did not happen in the past. In 2006, Collins and Porras introduced the term “BHAG” and people were inspired by the announcement of one audacious goal.

Regrettably, that is no longer the case. Today, the overall aspiration must be credible in order to have significance. This is the elevated standard you must achieve as an executive.

And now, we face another hurdle in our journey.

3. Integrate Strategy and BHAGs

In organizations that embrace BHAGs, it’s essential to ensure there’s a concrete strategic plan that accompanies these goals. The SDGs face a similar challenge. Employees and stakeholders now demand a clear, detailed pathway to achieve these significant goals.

In summary, take your collective BHAGs, make them both meaningful and credible, and use them as a catalyst to kick-start your strategic planning process. This approach will bring your ambitions down to a realistic level, even for the skeptics.

In today’s world, where millennials are actively seeking purpose in their work, failing to provide a sense of meaningful action can be a disservice. If you’re not prepared to embrace these new approaches and provide a sense of purpose, it might be time to consider a transformation or find a new path in leadership.

This article was inspired by a prior column in the Jamaica Gleaner.

The Problem with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – A preview

Why they lack rigorous strategic thinking but can still be rescued.

You are someone who is aware of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) announced in 2015 by the United Nations. Their value is not in question – they are objectives the entire world hopes to realize.

But recently, Secretary General Antonio Guterres declared that the SDGs are on the path to failure.

Launching a special edition of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) progress report, he warned that their collective promise made in 2015 of a more green, just and equitable global future, is in peril. 

“Unless we act now, the 2030 Agenda will become an epitaph for a world that might have been,” he said

Like others, he offered a number of prescriptions. However, they aren’t likely to move the needle on disappointment looming on December 31st, 2030, the date on which they are supposed to be achieved.

Those of us who know about long-term strategic planning are horrified by the lack of progress, similar to everyone else. But for us, there’s more. This failure was inevitable due to fatal design flaws. By violating the fundamental principles of our narrow discipline, the UN cannot avoid the unfortunate situation it finds itself in.

Despite the tireless work by thousands of well-meaning people, a slow-moving disaster is taking place in real time.

However, with six years to go between 2023 and 2030, there is a vanishing opportunity to declare victory at the end of the decade. How? Continue reading to understand why a “hard reset” could save the world from disillusionment.

Click here to read the rest of this complimentary issue of the JumpLeap newsletter.

Unlocking the Power of Irresistible Offers

Many companies lack a formal product development unit. Instead, ideas are casually pitched to the CEO, and the next steps depend on their mood at the moment. This approach often falls short in delivering consistent innovation, resulting in products and services that closely resemble competitors’ offerings. If you’re a monopoly, your products might become stale over time. To stand out, you need innovative ideas that provide real value to your customers.

The challenge? You may not have the resources to hire a full-time R&D team, and even if you could, you might not trust newcomers to handle the job effectively. So, how can you consistently set your offerings apart from the rest?

Recently, I experimented with an approach outlined by Alex Hormozi in his book, “$100m Offers.” This approach revolves around the customer experience and has yielded promising results. I highly recommend this method, as it takes an inside-out perspective. Let me walk you through the steps I followed, using a local example.

Step 1 – Envision Dream Outcomes

Start by listing the experiences you want your ideal customers to have. Even if some of these experiences seem unattainable, record them. The goal is to capture what your customers truly desire.

Step 2 – Identify Customer Pain Points

Think about the moment a customer considers your offering. What are the hurdles and obstacles preventing them from achieving their desired outcomes? Consider issues that arise during and after using your product or service. For instance, let’s imagine you own the Krispy Kreme franchise in Jamaica. If someone has never tried your donuts, what challenges might they face?

  • Traffic around the store’s location is congested.
  • There are long lines inside.
  • The customer is on a diet.
  • They don’t like overly sweet food.
  • They had a bad experience with a competitor’s product.

This is just a starting point. Keep going until you’ve identified at least a hundred pain points for your offering. The more you list, the deeper you’ll delve into the customer experience, leading to more valuable insights than traditional surveys.

Step 3 – Propose Solutions for Each Problem

Address each pain point with a solution, expressed in the form of a “How to…” statement. For example, “I am on a diet” could be solved with “How to enjoy our product while sticking to your diet.”

But don’t stop there. Be thorough.

Step 4 – Design Strategies to Implement Solutions

Let your imagination run free in this step. Create offers, or “vehicles,” that correspond to each “How to…” solution from the previous step. Give these vehicles catchy, descriptive names that would grab your customer’s attention. Be comprehensive and include even those you may not intend to provide.

For example, considering the solution “How to enjoy our product while on a diet,” what could you name the corresponding vehicles to attract customers?

  • The 47-Calorie Donut Hole
  • The Perfect Donut for a Dieter’s Cheat Day (Help dieters plan effective cheat days with this brand.)
  • Free Traffic Morsels (Offer complimentary pastries for people stuck in traffic.)
  • Our Lowest-Ever Calorie/Fat Gram Donut (Give diet-conscious customers a guilt-free treat.)
  • The Unsweet Spicy Donut (Appealing to dieters who prefer savory over sweet.)

This list took me just 10 minutes to create. You don’t need to be exceptionally creative; following this structured process can help you brainstorm at an impressive pace.

Step 5 – Evaluate and Prioritize Solutions

Assign two measures to each vehicle: its value to the customer and the cost to your business to offer it. Use these measures to rank your offers and establish a timeline for implementation.

In conclusion, these lists can jumpstart your innovation. Thanks to Alex Hormozi, these lightweight forms of R&D leverage the everyday experiences you’re already gathering.

This article appeared in an earlier form as a Jamaica Gleaner column.

Transforming Frustrating Board Meetings into Strategic Sessions

As a dedicated board member, you actively contribute to meetings and aim to make a meaningful impact. However, there are moments when you find yourself quietly frustrated, wondering if the discussion has veered into the minutiae, and then even further into micro-details. Why does this happen?

While the topics at hand may be interesting, you understand that such operational details are better left to middle managers who specialize in these functions. The board’s role should be holding these managers accountable, not getting lost in the weeds.

After an hour or two of discussion, you may find that little progress has been made. This can leave you shaking your head in disbelief, thinking that there are more productive uses of your time.

So, how can you address this issue before your frustration reaches a breaking point?

  1. Focus on What Truly Matters

Board members have limited time, often juggling other important responsibilities. Therefore, it’s crucial to engage in high-leverage discussions. Your participation should be reserved for tackling the most challenging and intractable problems. If discussions jump around with random advice, it’s a sign that something needs to change.

It’s important to note that your fellow board members are well-intentioned, smart, and experienced. They can provide valuable insights on various topics. However, the aim should be to make significant decisions during board meetings, not to offer scattered tips.

  1. Encourage Decisive Actions

Some board members believe that major decisions only come into play during unexpected emergencies. While these situations demand immediate attention, boards can also proactively influence decision-making.

One effective approach is to require your executives to develop long-term plans. Short-term plans tend to be incremental, as discussed in my May 2022 column, “Five-Year Plans Aren’t Strategic. They’re Dangerous.”

For inspiration, consider Kennedy’s lunar challenge in 1961. This ambitious goal led to the creation of the Apollo program and spurred innovations in various fields. To foster big decisions, challenge your CEO or MD to articulate a bold, long-term vision for the organization.

Few top executives have been trained in this kind of thinking. Some offer vague visions with no concrete plans, while others attempt to rebrand five-year plans as “long-term.” As a discerning board member, you should seek game-changing commitments that transform industries and elevate your company’s performance.

  1. Engage the Best Minds

While board members may be eager to make significant decisions, many C-Suite executives might not be ready for such audacious goals. They are often promoted based on their ability to deliver short-term results.

You can encourage a shift in mindset by introducing the concept of “big, hairy, audacious goals” (BHAGs) with long-term horizons. While this may seem unconventional and risky to some, it’s the right approach. As a board member, your role is to challenge assumptions, ensure the credibility of plans, and evaluate end-game scenarios.

Your collective expertise can add rigor to the management team’s plans and elevate the quality of discussions. Over time, this focused process can lead to game-changing outcomes, making board meetings inspiring and far less frustrating.

This article was inspired by an earlier version published as a column in the Jamaica Gleaner.

How Board Members Turn Frustrations into Strategy

As a dedicated board member, you actively contribute to meetings and aim to make a meaningful impact. However, there are moments when you find yourself quietly frustrated, wondering if the discussion has veered into the minutiae, and then even further into micro-details. Why does this happen?

While the topics at hand may be interesting, you understand that such operational details are better left to middle managers who specialize in these functions. The board’s role should be holding these managers accountable, not getting lost in the weeds.

After an hour or two of discussion, you may find that little progress has been made. This can leave you shaking your head in disbelief, thinking that there are more productive uses of your time.

So, how can you address this issue before your frustration reaches a breaking point?

  1. Focus on What Truly Matters

Board members have limited time, often juggling other important responsibilities. Therefore, it’s crucial to engage in high-leverage discussions. Your participation should be reserved for tackling the most challenging and intractable problems. If discussions jump around with random advice, it’s a sign that something needs to change.

It’s important to note that your fellow board members are well-intentioned, smart, and experienced. They can provide valuable insights on various topics. However, the aim should be to make significant decisions during board meetings, not to offer scattered tips.

  1. Encourage Decisive Actions

Some board members believe that major decisions only come into play during unexpected emergencies. While these situations demand immediate attention, boards can also proactively influence decision-making.

One effective approach is to require your executives to develop long-term plans. Short-term plans tend to be incremental, as discussed in my May 2022 column, “Five-Year Plans Aren’t Strategic. They’re Dangerous.”

For inspiration, consider Kennedy’s lunar challenge in 1961. This ambitious goal led to the creation of the Apollo program and spurred innovations in various fields. To foster big decisions, challenge your CEO or MD to articulate a bold, long-term vision for the organization.

Few top executives have been trained in this kind of thinking. Some offer vague visions with no concrete plans, while others attempt to rebrand five-year plans as “long-term.” As a discerning board member, you should seek game-changing commitments that transform industries and elevate your company’s performance.

  1. Engage the Best Minds

While board members may be eager to make significant decisions, many C-Suite executives might not be ready for such audacious goals. They are often promoted based on their ability to deliver short-term results.

You can encourage a shift in mindset by introducing the concept of “big, hairy, audacious goals” (BHAGs) with long-term horizons. While this may seem unconventional and risky to some, it’s the right approach. As a board member, your role is to challenge assumptions, ensure the credibility of plans, and evaluate end-game scenarios.

Your collective expertise can add rigor to the management team’s plans and elevate the quality of discussions. Over time, this focused process can lead to game-changing outcomes, making board meetings inspiring and far less frustrating.

Crafting a Vision: Beyond Tactical Moves

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, some voices argue that the concept of strategy is becoming obsolete, overshadowed by the rapid pace of change. Yet, beneath this assertion lies a reluctance to engage in deep, thoughtful planning—a sentiment that betrays a certain intellectual inertia. How can we reshape this perspective, sparking a transformation in those who seem trapped within it?

Imagine participating in a 5k race. At the starting gunshot, you witness young runners dashing forth with an incredible burst of speed. A mile or two later, however, you find them struggling, on the brink of exhaustion, while you maintain a steady jog, passing them by. They fell into a common trap: assuming a long-distance race can be conquered by a series of short sprints.

The truth is, successful long-distance running requires a series of well-informed decisions. Every step carries consequences, and a misstep can lead to failure.

This analogy seamlessly mirrors the distinction between tactical maneuvers and strategic planning in an organizational context. To prevent confusion, businesses must delineate these concepts clearly.

Distinguishing Between Short-Term Tactics and Long-Term Strategy

Modern tendencies have led to the casual labeling of everything as “strategic,” a practice that dilutes its significance. Consider the phrase “strategic goals for the week.” Yet, placing a fancy veneer on a shrub won’t yield a salad.

Challenge this tendency, as I did in a Gleaner column on January 23, 2022, titled “Why Short-Term Strategy is a Misnomer.” I explored the incongruity of coupling these two words. The essence: tactics span a few years, while strategies encompass a much longer horizon. In this article, let’s assume the cutoff point to be five years.

With this test at hand, a stark truth emerges: most companies lack written strategic plans.

Yet, both tactics and strategies remain essential in a thriving organization. However, their demarcation extends beyond time frames. They stand as separate disciplines, and interchanging them can lead to an unsustainable sprint, endangering the future. To avert this, let’s scrutinize their individual roles.

Strategies: The Architects of Transformation

The concept of BHAGs—Big Hairy Audacious Goals—commands attention. Defined by visionaries Jim Collins and Jerry Porras, these goals entail transformative results, forming a roadmap for a company’s metamorphosis. The Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN for 2030 in 2015, and Jamaica’s Vision 2030, forged in 2007, stand as prominent examples. Echoing through history is President Kennedy’s 1961 moonshot declaration, propelling humanity to the lunar surface within a decade.

Strategic plans are purposely designed to realize such audacious visions. But modernity demands them to be credible in new ways. Why?

An attainable plan provides a solid foundation, a platform of trust that validates visionary aspirations. In a world numbed by the barrage of daily promises from advertisers, credibility is paramount. Mere proclamations hold no sway; substance is demanded.

Additionally, the translation of grand plans into immediate actions is pivotal. This is where tactics come into play.

Tactics: The Craftsmen of Incremental Change

Execution of any long-term commitment mandates swift short-term actions. These actions exist independently from ingrained habits and routine, daily processes.

Realizing BHAGs necessitates altering these operational elements. These micro-transformations constitute tactics, to be executed by your team.

However, this is easier said than done. Overcoming inertia to scale these long-term commitments is a formidable task.

Case in point: If a company is perpetually reactive, progress is hard to sustain over years.

Similarly, if an organization’s status quo has endured for eons, kindling enthusiasm for BHAGs seems to be an impossible pursuit.

The crux is that achieving long-term aspirations hinges on tactical modifications, demanding adept change management.

While strategies and tactics are distinct, they must remain united without being confused. This unity is the compass guiding an organization toward its envisioned future.

In summary, the narrative of a road race underscores the vital distinction between strategic vision and tactical maneuvers. By untangling these concepts and skillfully blending them, organizations can chart a course toward their ultimate goals. As you reflect on your organization’s journey, remember, it’s not about doing either the sprint or the jog—it’s about the seamless, synchronized dance between the two that propels you forward.

This article is based on a similar column published in the Jamaica Gleaner. It’s available behind the newspaper’s paywall.

Why Does HR in the Caribbean Need a Major Reset?

A New Contribution| A Fresh Reputation

You are a Caribbean HR Professional who has noticed the respect finance professionals receive in the C-Suite. What they say seems to matter.

As a result, your colleagues in the finance department can see a clear path for themselves to the C-Suite. From accounting analyst, to manager, to director, to CFO, to CEO/MD.

But the same isn’t true for you. In fact, the total number of HR managers to gain a promotion to the CEO level in anything other than a small company is negligible.

By contrast, a recent survey showed that some 52% of UK CEOs have finance backgrounds. But this wasn’t always the case.

Back in the 1980’s accountants were just not that important in companies. They were merely the bookkeepers.

However, they undertook a deliberate effort to upgrade their profession. Using technology and analytics, their value increased as their contribution became essential. New regulatory requirements didn’t hurt.

In other words, they undertook a reset.

What would it take the HR Profession in the Caribbean to do the same?

Fortunately, they have a business partner. According to research, most CEOs want more from HR Departments. But when surveyed, they only complain “HR is not being strategic enough.”

But what can you do with that vague level of feedback? Here are some specifics gleaned, in part, from my experience hosting the CaribHRForum community and also from leading executive team retreats for two decades.

Evidence-Based Diagnosis

Data is a common element in all great strategic plans. Fortunately, this aligns with most HR Professionals who also would like to use more than anecdotes. The importance of data is something that they now recognise. But, it’s not enough.

I have seen a pattern that repeats itself in over 50 strategic planning retreats. HR presentations are seldom based on analytics and data. Why?

It’s a fact: many HR jobs below the C-Suite don’t need these skills. The result? Before joining the executive ranks, HR professionals have had little practice.

As such, a significant gap may become apparent when they are promoted. Other departments are now competing for the same resources and attention. The counterparts have already been using evidence-based and analytical language to gain approval from top-level executives.

By contrast, CHROs struggle. A vicious cycle can even occur when they request better software but are repeatedly denied. Why? They can’t make the case for a positive ROI…because they lack the data the missing tools would provide.

Unfortunately, CEOs are not likely to identify this problem independently. Like Finance before it, HR must establish a strong business case for a major reset to stop the vicious cycle.

Transformational Innovations

But these analytic capabilities are just the beginning. The Caribbean experiences a significant loss of productivity due to invisible friction. HR has an opportunity here.

For example, workers who struggle to predict their commutes accurately are prone to showing up late. If their on-time presence is required to start work, then the cost of being tardy is high.

The conventional HR approach would be to conduct interviews with employees and encourage them to leave for work earlier. But a department focused on analysis would recommend investing in a minibus exclusively for employees.

HR should keep their focus despite the possibility of objections that the move encourages laziness. Why? The actual inquiry is whether the expense is a worthy investment, based on a clear cost-benefit analysis.

HR needs to take a proactive stance as shown in this example, which is the approach CEOs want. It’s a fact that most departments have people-problems that they can’t solve alone. They require the help of HR professionals with advanced skills and predictive data.

The way the company operates can be changed by these interventions. The crucial point is that they anticipate the needs of the executive team like CFOs are expected to do.

People Predictions

HR can begin planning the organisation’s strategic future once practical measures and data are in place. For example, the Caribbean has a demographic problem looming. Our current population is not being replaced due to insufficient childbirths.

Most HR professionals are unaware of this fact. Does it matter?

Yes – the trend points towards a future with more competition for talent. This has the potential to cause wage inflation. Or a decrease in migration from the region. Or more migrants from other countries. To say it another way, there’s a potential strategic threat forming.

This fact was mentioned during a recent long-term strategic planning session. But not by HR.

However, as an HR Professional, it’s important to track these types of predictions and impacts. In fact, you could function like a CFO, but for everything regarding people.

Your company will find you indispensable if you acquire these skills. However, you will also have the opportunity to experience the gratification that comes with conquering a difficult challenge in your journey towards becoming a respected professional. Or even a member of the C-Suite.

This article was based on a Jamaica Gleaner column published on 8/20/2023.

CEO: Who cares if you “win?”

The world is changing fast, and “winning” in business may already be a fool’s errand.

You are a company leader who has risen through the ranks. You enjoy the competitive side of running an organization. Why? There are obvious winners and losers defined by a P&L scorecard. Plus, you have tactics and strategies to choose from. And finally, you can see a clear correlation between your efforts and results.

But what if the changes taking place in the world are making a mockery of the race you are mentally contesting? Keep reading if you want to stay ahead.

Why You Are Like Usain Bolt

The 100m dash is undoubtedly one of the purest forms of gamified athletics ever witnessed.

But before the Olympics were invented, people just ran. There were no medals,

or clocks, or heats, sponsorships, television appearances, etc. Over time, these elements were added in and made this human invention appear real.

Is the game of business also fabricated? If you are a CEO, you are probably immersed in it, without question. Let’s take a step back, and outside of it, for a moment. Maybe we can discern its outline and see some shortfalls.

Ask yourself the following: Who are you competing against? Who are the winners? The losers? The middle-of-the-packers?

What do you use to measure the score? How long is the timeframe? When do you feel pangs of jealousy as opponents pass you by? Do you enjoy the intellectual, social and emotional challenges?

Notice your reaction and write them down. You might become a bit nervous as you draw this picture. Why? Because you may uncover the motivation behind your accomplishments and believe that too much insight is bad.

These feelings are natural. Most hard-driving, over-achieving, Type-A’s who tend to lead organizations don’t spend time reflecting on their competitive nature. It’s taken as a given.

Here, I speak from experience. When I finally came first in my class at Wolmers after five years of effort, I saw myself as the winner…the one who crossed the line ahead of others when it counted the most. I didn’t question it for a moment, even though I gave up playing Sunlight Cup cricket for a year to achieve the goal. Today, I wouldn’t.

Why You Are Not Usain Bolt

But the truth is that business is not an actual game. While this mental construct can be energizing, there are definite limits to seeing it this way.

Just ask Reports have emerged that Jeff Bezos’ empire is about to be dismantled by the FTC. Why? Apparently, they have determined that the company is taking its winnings from one area and using it in another. Unfairly.

Consequently, the US Government may use antitrust laws to redefine the game Bezos has been playing. Remember, they did just that to Microsoft and AT&T, among others.

If you have a strong competitive streak, it could be time to step away to re-imagine the game you have been unconsciously and unwittingly engaged in. Here are some strategic reasons to revisit this construct now.

Reason #1 – You Become Blind

When a fresh substitute enters your environment but doesn’t look like a competitor, you miss seeing them. C&W dismissed the arrival of Digicel because the new entrant was playing a different game top leaders didn’t recognize.

Reason #2 – You Become Short-Sighted

If you study your current competitors too closely, you end up following their every move. And stop being creative.

Reason #3 – You Live in Short-Termism and Endanger the Planet

Your imaginary game is probably more of a sprint than a marathon. If so, long-term planning may be repeatedly delayed.

As such, Europe’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires companies to pay attention to their carbon footprint. Indirectly, they are pulling organizations into their Green Deal objective of climate neutrality by 2050.

This move implies that corporations have been playing winner-take-all games for decades, which now endanger our well-being.

As you enter this new game (by choice or by necessity), you may find that it’s not the zero-sum contests you have been enjoying. Instead, you’ll be joining companies which are focused on the triple P bottom-line – Profits, Planet and People.

Unfortunately, this is not the kind of “competitive strategy” taught in business schools. By contrast, it’s more a function of high-quality collaboration and cooperative outcomes.

In this context, it may look foolish to persist in the old game of massive profits or personal wealth. On a globe threatened by global warming, who cares?

Fortunately, you can “re-gamify” yourself and go in a different direction. You could still “win”, but so could everyone else in the entire world.

Why Your Business Strategy Can’t Ignore CSRD

You have heard of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive or its acronym, CSRD. You know that it has something to do with the EU which means that you haven’t paid it much attention. It’s far away.

However, this could be a mistake. This new standard for disclosure reaches into some unlikely places for all companies who do business with the continent. In this article, we’ll look at the impact on your corporate strategy.

Recently, the European Commission reaffirmed its commitment to “Net Zero 2050.” Inspired by the Paris Agreement, their goal is to be climate-neutral by 2050 – an economy with net zero greenhouse gas emissions. Lest the world relax, an interim target was set to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030.

CSRD makes it plain that big companies must play their part in accomplishing these goals. As such, they are required to report their progress annually via certain templates. But what does this have to do with a large company in Jamaica?

Well, your firm may not have a European subsidiary. And it might never reach the E40m turnover or 250 employee lower limit for inclusion. However, it may have wholesale customers on the continent. If so, it will probably be required by them to report on your conduct as a member of its supply chain.

But this is already happening.

Last week, I browsed for a holiday stay in Ocho Rios. Now, there’s a new badge for each property to earn: a “Travel Sustainable Level”. According to the website, the programme was “introduced in 2021 to provide travelers with transparent and credible information to make more mindful choices for their trips.”

In other words, the intent of CSRD is already being realized. It seeks to give stakeholders knowledge about each large company’s progress on goals such as Net Zero 2050.

This new standard is likely to be seen by some as a nuisance. But for others, particularly in the area of strategic planning, there lies an opportunity.

How CSRD Can Help Shape Your Strategy

Essentially, the new standard mandates your company to tell the world how its strategy for topics related to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) are faring. It expects you to address this explicitly in your short, mid and long-term strategic plans.

However, if you are like most companies, you don’t have anything more than a five-year list of tactics. But you aren’t alone. As a result of upheavals since the 9/11 Terrorist Attack, firms have argued that they don’t have time for long-term thinking.

Instead, their energies have focused on basic survival…short-termism.

CSRD says that if you continue to indulge in this dangerous practice, you will be required to highlight this fact to your stakeholders in your ESG disclosures.

While this sounds like a threat, some are seeing it as an opportunity, or at least an excuse to do the right thing.

The Optimal Response

In essence, your company has two choices to meet the directive.

1) The Compliant Low Road consists of sticking to an approach of only keeping short-term business tactics. This means that you will need a separate strategic plan for all matters ESG-related.

While some firms have hired sustainability professionals to do this very task, some are calling it out as a form of greenwashing. Said differently, it’s probably just a way to be compliant without making fundamental changes.

2) The Transformational High Road means crafting mid and long-term strategic plans for your business, if they don’t currently exist. Ideally, they should reach as far as 2050 to be completely aligned with the Net Zero aspiration.

If your company already has a written long-term strategic plan, then this may just be an exercise in adding a few different dimensions. The CSRD is actually developed for companies like yours. The adjustment should be easy.

However, if it’s never had an interwoven short/long-term strategic plan, this might be the perfect moment to begin. You do have some time before this becomes a requirement.

But your free paper is being burned up. The SEC in the United States and the IFRS are expected to recommend similar reporting standards, in line with existing requirements for financial disclosure.

It’s not too late to start getting your company ready. Schedule time to prepare the right kind of interwoven short/long-term strategic plans.

As you do so, be prepared to answer the questions raised by CSRD. Even if the process you follow is sound, these may not be central concerns. But they will fit in with the thinking the EU Commission wants you to do.

When the time comes to complete the forms required for your CSRD reporting, you’ll be ready.

The original article was published in the Jamaica Gleaner.