Launch Results, HRMATT Conference, PMI Tech Talk

On May 15th Framework had a successful launch of my book, Perfect Time-Based Productivity. For a short report of the evening’s activities, visit this link for updates –

Also, I’ll be speaking at the HRMATT Conference in June in Port of Spain.

Recently I gave a Technical Talk at the PMISCC monthly meeting. It was a prelude to another speech I’ll be giving at the biennial conference in September.

My New Compilation

Compilation cover 2014Finally it’s ready – a brand new compilation of articles that covers all my columns through December 2014.

If you have been a regular reader you may be interested in catching up on any articles you may have missed. I know that it’s difficult to read everything due to the fortnightly nature of my columns in Jamaica, and quarterly frequency of articles in Trinidad.

But you can also read articles as far back as 2010, making sure that you haven’t missed a single one.

If you happen to be a new reader, welcome to you! This summary will take you to over 90 articles written for the press in the last few years. Each of them tackles a topic I hope you find interesting.

They cover a single theme – how to make the Caribbean workplace more productive.

In addition, you will find access to over 50 radio interviews (via CaribHR.Radio) plus a few television interviews.

Follow your interests from one topic to the next – I hope you find the work I have done to be valuable. Also, you may use the compilation as a resource by doing a search for keywords you already have an interest in exploring. This will shorten the time it takes for you to grab a useful insight just before you need it!

P.S. For a limited time, if you download the report, I’ll also send you a copy of our exclusive summary of the outstanding book, Why Workers Won’t Work, by Kenneth Carter.

Book Launch in Trinidad

3d cover of perfect book betterMy new book,Perfect Time-Based Productivity, will be launched in Trinidad and Tobago on May 15th, 2015. To receive an early notification, simply visit my site Chronicles from a Caribbean Cubicle and sign up to receive our Special Report: The Trinidadian Executive in Jamaica. Doing so will automatically add you our list of invitees and we’ll update you with information on the location.

How to Receive Updates on Newspaper Articles

Recently, I updated and revamped the One Page Digest, the method I use to keep Caribbean professionals in the loop with some of the latest management thinking.

It’s a great way to hear for me once per month – a chance to catch up on my last two Jamaica Gleaner articles and more.

To receive these updates it’s easy – simply visit my publication blog and click on the link to the One Page Digest, You’ll receive a the latest update once it comes out, which should happen in a week or two.

Here’s the link to my company’s publication blog.

And here’s a sample copy.



Really busy? Then just click this:

How to Be a Great Salesperson in Tough Times

This was an article I wrote for the Jamaica Gleaner on September 14th.

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Hi Francis Yahoo2,

Almost all of us have to demonstrate selling skills at some point, even if we never have to close a single formal deal. We might be selling ideas, seeking cooperation or asking for a favour.

If you have ever faced a series of obstacles while selling that make you want to quit or give up then you might already realize that your attitude makes a big difference. In this article, I explore a technique borrowed from psychologists’ recent research that speaks to how we need to encourage ourselves, and how I use it in conjunction with The Work of Byron Katie.

It’s one way to become resilient – which is a great trait to have, whether you are in sales, or not. Click here…

How to Be a Great Salesperson in Tough Times

Thanks for reading,


P.S. Remember to share this with your friends and colleagues.

My Prior Gleaner Articles

Managing Your Free Time

Improving you quality of life is directly related to how well you manage your free time, according to this study of Taiwanese retirees and college students.

The Dubious Value of Looking Over Employees’ Shoulders

In this article I challenge the accepted wisdom of watching employees like a hawk to see if they are doing their jobs. Recent research sheds light on the fact that it limits productivity.

Don’t Be a Wimp, Learn to Fire People

This title (which I didn’t choose) isn’t about courage – but it IS about a vital part of your business – learning how to let go of people in a way that meets your company strategy. Here’s how to think about the problem in a way that prevents guilt and bad feelings all around

Free Compilation of My Articles From 2010 – 2013
Have you received your free compilation of articles through 2013? If not then visit my link below to grab a free copy. Click here:
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Summer Update

The 2014 Caribbean summer is a very, very hot one. Here in Jamaica, we are suffering from drought conditions, leaving the surroundings brown and dusty. Nevertheless, the work at Framework continues.

Perfect Time-Based Productivity

perfect time based productivity finalMy second book is entering its final stages as I ready it for the final, professional edit. It’s a how-to for anyone interested in boosting their time-based productivity skills working on their own. It will be published in September 2014 in Kindle format, when it will be available on My writing and re-writing has taken me into some deep research in a number of areas that together, provide a composite picture that I believe to be unique. To register for updates on the progress and availability of he book, plus early discounts and bonuses, visit and add your name to my mailing list.

Jamaica Gleaner Articles

If you have missed one or more of my Gleaner articles it’s not a problem. All my articles written before 2014 can be found at this link: The latest articles from this calendar year can be found at my website for publications related to the Caribbean –


CaribHR.Radio is on a summer hiatus, given my commitment to get the book finished by September.

I hope you are enjoying your summer, wherever you are in the world!



Appearance on TVJ

I made a recent appearance once again on TelevisionJamaica, to talk about an article I wrote called Shut Up and Listen.

In the article, I imagined what it would take to keep a great employee if all of a sudden they became wealthy – like the guys who were fortunate enough to be working for WhatsApp when it was bought by Facebook for $19b.

Tune into the show and/or read the article and let me know what you think in the comments below.

A Summary of all CaribHR.Radio Episodes

Cover of CaribHR.Radio Summary 20130-13Over the last couple of years I have been playing radio-show host to some of the finest minds in the Caribbean – on CaribHR.Radio. This summary provides links to all 64 episodes up until February.

It’s a one-of-a-kind show that is steadily pulling together an evergreen archive capturing the thoughts and experiences of regional professionals. We have interviewed HR practitioners, industrial relations specialists, consultants, authors, researchers, CEO’s and more.

Click here to download the summary instantly. Then, if you are an HR Practitioner or someone with an interest in the field, join our discussion list over at