Post UTECH Speech

For anyone following up from the speech given last week at the UTECH conference  “Transforming Business and Management for Growth and Development,” there are a couple of papers available via email.

To receive the paper submitted to the conference, send email to [email protected].

To receive an introduction to Lights!Camera!Action!, send email to [email protected].

The programme from the conference can be found here:

HRMAB HR Champion Finalist

Recently, the Francis Wade was nominated for a regional HR award, as described below.  He made it as far as the finals, where a very worthy winner was elected.

This is the correspondence we received:

Dear Mr. Wade,

The Human Resources Management Association of Barbados (HRMAB) will be hosting its Tenth Annual Conference, Exhibition and Inaugural Conference of the Human Resources Management Association of the Caribbean (HRMAC) at the Hilton Barbados, October 15-18, 2006.  The theme of the conference this year is “HR: Energising the Region Through Integration”.

 The Official Opening & Awards Ceremony will take place on Sunday, October 15, 2006 at 6:00 p.m, at the Hilton Barbados.  This year we have introduced an awards ceremony, when we will honour and recognize the contributions of HR professionals both locally as well as regionally.


This is to inform you that during you have been recognised for your contribution to the field of Human Resources in Jamaica and have been nominated to receive the HR Champion Award.  We are therefore pleased to inform you that you are a finalist for the award.

 Kindly indicate your attendance at the Opening & Awards Ceremony (please see attached e-invitation).  In the event that you cannot attend, please indicate the name of the person who will receive the award on your behalf, should you be the eventual winner. We look forward to your attendance.

The President and Officers of the Human Resource Association of Barbados.

Videos Added to Bios

Under the bios for Scott Hilton-Clarke and Francis Wade, we have added two short clips from a training session that we conducted over a year ago.

It took a while to figure out how to do it all, including which software to use etc., and the clips are approximately 90 seconds each.  They cover the personal introductions that we gave at the particular session.

Upcoming PMI Speech

On October 10th, I will be giving a speech to the Project Management Institute, here in Kingston.  The topic will be CSME Networking for the Project Management Professional.

Location:  Jamaica Pegasus
Time:  6:00pm

The notes for the presentation will be include in my blog ahead of the date.

The flyer for the event can be found under the News menu item at top.

Upcoming HRMAJ Speech

Francis Wade, President of Framework Consulting, will be speaking at the upcoming HRMAJ conference on November 16-19 at the Sunset Jamaica Grande Resort and Spa, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, on  the topic:  Using Technology on the Cutting Edge to Create Cross-Regional Networks.

Teething Pains in CSME

It appears that the region is experiencing severe “teething pains” with respect to CSME.

The latest news coming out of Trinidad is that they are not accepting the CARICOM Skills Certificate.  

This appears to run directly counter to the official word, detailed on Trinidad’s CSME website — and in the CSME Update documents available there.

Hopefully, this is a temporary, beaureaucratic glitch, or a simple misunderstanding.

In either case, there are discussions taking place in the CaribHRForum newsgroup and in our company blog on this issue, which impacts all professionals throughout the region.  Both of these fora are accessible from links at the top of this page.

CaribHRNews is launched

Framework Consulting is pleased to announce the launch of CaribHRNews, a Squidoo-hosted aggregator of the most recent internet-based news related to the Human Resources profession.

On the company website, the page may be accessed from the link on each page titled CaribHRForum.

President Francis Wade noted “We wanted a single place to find all the information related to the Human Resource industry and after months of searching for viable solution we found one that would not require intensive manual effort.”

The price to use the service is free to professionals, and the cost of its maintenance is being underwritten by Framework Consulting.

April to June Blog Topics

The following are the headlines from my business blog , Chronicles from a Caribbean Cubicle.

The Power of Writing
Mastery and the Plateau
More on Loving “Work”
More Evidence of Friction Points
The Thwarting of the Creative Class
Worker Attitudes in Jamaica
Service Standards — no more
The Customer-Supplier Fallacy
An Opportunity for Greatness
Consultant’s Prices part 2
Top Class Caribbean Service for Every Class
I Don’t Care
The Dual Income Profession
CSME — Is It for Real?
A Speech Covered in the HRMATT newsetter
A Man I Know Who Followed His Heart
Doing The Work
Books I’m Reading Now – -April
An Excerpt from Tantie
Doing What is Loved
Beating Our Backs to Stop the New Plague

Study to Include Trinidadian Executives

Framework Consulting is conducting a follow-up study to the Caribbean Acquisition Project (CAP), focusing on the relationship between Trinidadian executives and Jamaican workers. 

Our firm recently published a report from the Caribbean Acquisition Project (CAP) Phase 1, available at, for which the data was collected in 2001-2.  In the research we did then it was interesting to find that most of the Trinidadian executives working in Jamaica were surprised by the cultural differences that they found. 

Now, in 2006, we are keen to update our knowledge and would like to conduct phone interviews with Trinidadian executives (wherever they might be) who are willing to share insights about their experience living and working in Jamaica.

The data will be published in the form of a report that will summarize the findings, and hopefully shed some light on this issue and answer some of the many questions and concerns that Trinidadian executives have about working in Jamaica.

For further information, contact Francis Wade at Framework Consulting, [email protected] or 876-880-8653.