
After a couple of years of research and hard thinking, I am finally releasing to the public a 12 week time management program based on the ideas I developed in the 2Time Management System —

The program is intended for busy professionals who are interested in creating a unique time management system for themselves that meets their day to day needs.

For more information about the MyTimeDesign program, see

CaribHRForum 2008 Survey


caribhrforum-logoSponsors of this year’s annual CaribHRForum’s electronic survey expect to reach over 3000 Human Resource Professionals across the CARICOM region this year, easily becoming the most wide-spread effort to gather information from a single profession. 

The 2008 survey which was released on Monday September 15th, 2008, focuses on the single topic of regional HR conferences and the role they play in bringing together HR professionals. 

It is being conducted by a volunteer team at CaribHRForum, the online forum that was formed in 2003 by Francis Wade, a management consultant who recently moved home to the Caribbean.

According to Wade, “the survey has grown in leaps and bounds since it was inaugurated last year, and the team now comprises a Jamaican, a Trinidadian, a Kittician and a Bahamian who have only met in cyber-space.  We got to know each other through CaribHRForum and have worked together for months to put this together, mostly using Facebook, an online social networking service.”

CaribHRForum, with over 200 members, is the largest professional networking group of its kind that is built on cyber-services such as a discussion list, a blog on and a news ezine – CaribHRNews.

In fact, the idea of a large, all-encompassing regional conference was first discussed at length within CaribHRForum’s list, which sometimes sees up to 20 emails per day in a region-wide discussion.

“Sometimes the conversation gets heated, and there is a great deal of participation from many members who share their perspective, while learn from each other.”  A recent group conversation on the industrial relations climate in the region is still generating some sparks after more than a week,” said Wade.

It was another hot conversation on CaribHRForum that provided the theme for this year’s survey.  While Jamaica has the larget  conference each year, with some 500 participants, there are other territories in the region that don’t even have an organization formed. Many are unaware that conferences and organizations like CaribHRForum exist and end up practicing in isolation from their colleagues. 

“Hopefully,” Wade says “the results of the survey will do much to help us bring the professionals of the region together.  We should learn a lot about what people are looking for in attending a conference, and help make our own conferences compelling.”

The New Networking e-book is still available

new-networking-coverI want to remind you that my e-book “The New Networking: Caribbean Professionals 2008” is still available for download for free.

Simply visit the following page and you can claim your own electronic copy within a few minutes.  You’ll be joining over  200 other Caribbean professionals who have requested the e-book.

Click here to claim a copy

If you have other friends who would benefit from owning this 37 page text, you can notify them of the page to visit by visiting the following page and entering their email addresses.  An email will be sent to them with the link:

  Send this link to 2 friends

Thanks for being a part of my network!

P.S  If you act quickly, you might be able to take advantage of a free offer I am making to take my 12-week online time-management programme valued at over US$50.  The offer expires at the end of September, and will be sent to you 3-4 few days after you receive the e-book.  I am limiting the number, so act quickly if you have an interest.  
Francis Wade
Framework Consulting

Interview by Amie Devero on

amieToday I had the honor of being interviewed by Amie Devero, the author of Powered by Principle and the host of a new internet radio show called AmieDeveroLive.

The interview lasted an hour and can be heard by clicking on the link here.

To those who might have heard the podcast or live show, thanks for visiting and if you are interested in hearing more about my work in time management, please visit

Incidentally, Amie just happens to be a former partner of Framework Consulting who features some of our work together in her new book. 

Information on her book can be found at her website: Manifesto Released

changethiscoverI am pleased to announce that my new manifesto for a new approach for time management is available for download at the following link:


It is entitled The New Time Management: Simply Focus on the Fundamentals and Toss Away the Tips.

You can view all the other manifestos for the month at the homepage:

In publishing manifestos for change on their site, has given a public voice to authors such as Tom Peter, Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin and Richard Florida.