20 New Videos on Time Management

I have just launched a series of new videos on Time Management over at my blog.  They cover the Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) About Time Management, and plus the Top 10 Questions that People Should be Asking (SAQ’s) About Time Management.

They are immediately available for the price of free registration.

See http://mytimedesign.com/20vidsnow.

Here is a link to the first video:

FAQ #1: Why should I care about time management? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVkLQF99C2Y

The New Networking is Retiring

I recently decided to close out my ebook The New Networking: Caribbean 2008 at the end of the year, in order to make way for some new ideas and a new e-book at some point.

While I don’t plan to write its successor anytime soon, I recall discovering Facebook just as the ebook was about to be released, and having to “wheel and come again” with a section devoted to that social networking tool. Of course, today Facebook has been supplemented with Twitter… how things change!

Here is the link to the ebook if you don’t have it.  Please pass this information on to your friends also — this will be their last chance to receive the ebook from me: The New Networking: Caribbean 2008 http://fwconsulting.com/newnetworking

Time Management Programmes in Ja/T&T

In the past month, I have scheduled my once-a-year time management programmes in Jamaica and Trinidad.  Both will happen in January 2010.  For updates, send email to [email protected].

Also, I have produced a variety of time management publications that have generated a great deal of interest, with a variety of products that are available for free.

The e-book “The 6 Surprising Mistakes that GTD’ers Make” has been released (GTD is short for Getting Things Done) and is available as a free download by clicking here.  When you get your e-book, you’ll also receive directions to an audio version, plus a 6-part video series that will only help to make the task of learning to avoid the mistakes a bit easier.

Also, I published an article on the Stepcase Lifehack website entitled “Scoring 100% in Time Management” that I recommend for anyone who thinks that they must implement ALL parts of any new system they discover.  The post can be read by clicking here.

Tune into the 2Time blog for more information on items to be released in the near future!  Click here to be taken to my 2Time: Time Management 2.0 website.

Caribbean Leadership Conversations 1 (and 2)

Leadership conversationsAn interesting event is being conducted on October 29th at the University of the West Indies, Mona campus.  (Update: the second version of the event will be conducted on Nov16th.)

I’ll be part of a panel that will take questions from the floor in what looks like an intense session that I think is going to be exciting evening.  it’s also planned as the first of several opportunities for ideas to be shared in a variety of open forums, located at UWI.

Click here to be taken to the Facebook page that describes the event.