Vision 2030 is Failing: How a VPOC Can Save the Day

There’s no question in the mind of the average Jamaican. Since 2009, our country has made little visible progress towards Vision 2030. When asked, most don’t see us any closer to achieving developed world status, or having a country which is the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.

Furthermore, the project is receiving less attention than ever from politicians. As a result, few citizens outside the civil service remember it exists. Overall, it’s hard to find anyone still inspired by Vision 2030.

With five years remaining, we are approaching the final phase, our do-or- die segment. However, there’s hardly any urgency felt in any corner. Our first attempt to create a national vision is quietly slipping away into failure.

But is the effort doomed?

Well, the world is talking about the miraculous turnaround our country has made in its debt-to-GDP ratio. It’s a remarkable model of effective private-sector-driven accountability.

EPOC worked. Could a VPOC?

If you believe our country needs to be inspired by a vision we can all line up behind, and support, then don’t miss this opportunity to participate.

If you think the outcomes of Vision 2030 are too important to leave up to the government, put this complimentary discussion in your calendar and don’t miss it.

Event #1 – Join Our Invitation-Only Discussion – “Vision 360”

Spend an hour with a few other private-sector leaders who may be of like mind. The event is labelled as Vision 360. We’ll be exploring the following questions:

  1. Where did Vision 2030 come from, and why was it crafted?
  2. How has it fared? Where is the country now relative to its goals?
  3. What’s likely to happen next, from 2025-2030, if no-one intervenes?
  4. What difference could a VPOC make (a Vision Policy Oversight Committee modelled on EPOC)?
  5. Will you make a fresh commitment to Vision 2030? What actions should occur next and who should take them?

Date: Thursday November 21st, 2024 / Vision 360

Time: 5-7pm

Location: S Hotel

Complimentary. By personal invitation only. RSVP by Monday Nov 18th, 2024.

From the Vision 2030 Forward by Dr. Wesley Hughes.

We have a duty to ourselves, to the sacrifices of past generations and to the hopes of future generations, to preserve the best of our country and to transform the worst. The outcome in 2030 is dependent on the decisions we make today.

Who is behind this?

I’m Francis Wade. Welcome to my company website, which is hosting this page calling for a meeting to discuss a Vision 2030 VPOC. I’m a management consultant and I write a business column for the Gleaner.

Back in 2005, when I returned to live in Jamaica from the USA, there was no Vision 2030. But the sentiments expressed in Dr. Hughes’ Forward could have been written with me in mind.

These Vision 2030 activities are not mine alone, but I have volunteered to convene the first gatherings.

Join us by contacting me by email ([email protected]) or WhatsApp (876-880-8653). Or use the contact form here.

Francis Wade

P.S. Seating is limited to less than 20 so if you can’t make it, let me know.

Other links / sources:

Inspired Public Sector Planning – Gleaner article by Francis Wade

Reversing Neglect: Vale Royal and Vision 2030 – Gleaner article by Francis Wade

Should Jamaica Abandon Its Vision? – Gleaner article by Francis Wade

What is Behind Jamaica’s Success Story – an interview with Economist Marla Dukharan

Sustained debt reduction: The Jamaica exception – Brookings Institute, Arslanalp, Eichengreen, Henry