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Framework Consulting White Papers and Research Reports

These are written by our employees and associates   (reports require  the free Adobe Reader available here)
The Service Inventory: A Tool for TouchPoint Analysis
How does a company define and plan the critical touch-points that make up the overall customer experience? The Service Inventory, pioneered by Framework Consulting, is a critical tool for crafting these moments into standards that can be used to create a unique customer-branded experience.  (This paper was presented to the Jamaica Customer Service Association Conference of 2005.)

The Accountability Challenge
The legacy of plantation slavery has left Caribbean executives frustrated at the lack of responsibility that employees are willing to assume.  The result is managers who are overworked, employees who are disempowered and organisations that are overly hierarchical. This paper discusses strategies of overcoming these ingrained ways of thinking which are obstacles to the growth of all corporations in the region.

Why Aren’t They Working on My Strategy?
Executives are perplexed when the strategies they develop aren’t used. Days are spent working to create a new vision for the company, but day-to-day work intrudes in a way that prevents any meaningful progress from year to year. The frustration that results can be overcome by using the newest available tools that allow new ways for the strategy to be shared with employees at all levels.

Look Beyond the Deal
When acquisitions and mergers are undertaken, it’s difficult for executives to focus on more than just the financial side of the deal. The required negotiations take on a life of their own–and when they’re finally concluded there’s often a sigh of relief.  Unfortunately, long term success requires a focus on what happens after the deal is concluded, and on how integration of the companies and their cultures takes place. (This article, written by Amie Devero, was published in the spring 2004 issue of the Association of American Management’s MWORLD Journal.)

Catalyzing Brilliance–Strategy from the Inside Out
Strategy development cannot be undertaken in isolation from the executives who must implement it. While this point may seem obvious, many CEOs don’t know how to harness their employees’ knowledge and experience in a way that’s productive, creative, and rigorous. This article addresses one way in which this can happen.

Corporate Values — Stimulus for the Bottom Line
Values-based organisations are the rarity, even though there is broad agreement that values are a must for any company to succeed. This article discusses issues related to creating such organisations and the obstacles to implementing them. (This article was published in Financial Executives, the journal of Financial Executives International.)

Executable Strategy for Every Employee
What does it take to engage each and every employee in a company’s overall strategy? This paper provides one approach to engaging staff at all levels, based on a shared understanding of the culture, process, and customer strategies that will produce the financial results desired on behalf of all stakeholders. (This paper was published in the Trinidad Guardian.)

It’s Never a Merger of Equals
In this article, published in a Florida newspaper, we argue that there is no such thing as a merger of equals. Instead, one company will either dominate or be seen as dominated by the other. The nature of this struggle has nothing to do with malice and everything to do with human nature.

I’m Too Busy to Get Promoted
This article for Jamaica’s Financial Gleaner addresses the issue of time overwhelm and its effects on workplace productivity and professional ambition.

Hard Times Are a Strategists’ Wake-Up Call
What is the role of a strategic planner during a business downturn? In this article, published in the Miami Herald, an argument is made that a slowdown in business can be just what’s needed to launch a breakthrough strategic planning effort.

Adjusting the Corporate Culture to a Change in Business Size, Scope or Strategy
This research reprint is based on a speech given to the Caribbean Executive Conference in 2001. It describes how a change in strategy can lead to a decision to craft a new corporate culture that’s geared towards the new strategy. The key to producing the change is launching a series of successful interventions.

Delivering Real Value
Consultants can create arrangements with their clients in which guaranteed results are negotiated in return for variable fees. You can therefore create a win-win situation that benefits everyone concerned, while focusing the consultant on the same goals that the CEO values.

The (Real) Secret of Successful Coaching
It turns out that the real secret to successful coaching does not lie in the coach, but in what’s called “the coachability” of the client.

Why Workers Won’t Work
This paper summarises the book Why Workers Won’t Work: The worker in a developing economy. A case study of Jamaica by Kenneth L. Carter. It’s a seminal work and acts as a powerful guide to both new and experienced managers.

Harvard Business Review Letter to the Editor
In this letter to the editor, printed in a 1994 edition of the Harvard Business Review, Francis Wade makes the case that the authors of a recent paper only reinforced the problem of lack of purpose by attempting to force employees to have what management wants them to have.

Developing Executive Skills Using the Lights!Camera!Action! Method
This is a special report on how any company can use Framework Consulting’s techniques of Lights!Camera!Action! to train time-pressed executives in interpersonal skills in a matter of hours.

Great Employees–Nature or Nurture
While we can’t say for sure that top employees owe their success to nature or nurture, recent research suggests that many key skills related to Emotional Intelligence (EI) can indeed be learned in the right kind of training environments.

The Trinidadian Executive in Jamaica
What do Trinidadian executives confront as they come to lead Jamaican companies? What are the biggest obstacles they face? Where do they get in trouble? What surprises them the most? In a report from our breakthrough 2006 study, we attempt to answer these and other related questions based on interviews with over 30 executives. While we looked specifically at Trinidadian executives, the lessons learned here apply to any executive moving to lead a company in Jamaica.

IMCJ / HRMAJ / PMI / JEF 2006-2007 Presentations
A series of presentations were given during 2006–2007 on the topic of networking throughout the Caribbean region. The PowerPoint slides from the May 2007 presentation to the Jamaica Employers Federation Convention 2007 can be viewed here. The audio portion of this speech can be heard in conjunction with these slides at

Filling the Gap: Caribbean Acquisition Project Phase 1 Technical Report 2.0
This is the first report emanating from the Caribbean Acquisition Project of 2001–2002, conducted by Framework Consulting. It describes the results derived from an empirical study of select Jamaican companies acquired by Trinidadian and Barbadian companies in 2001–2002. The findings outline the cultural differences and how the human resources function was underused, although the most significant barriers found were cultural and organisational in nature.

Caribbean Acquisition Project Survey Instrument 2001

This is a link to the actual survey used in the project.

JobSmart Articles
In early 2007 Francis Wade began a weekly contribution to the Jamaica Gleaner Online, under the JobSmart/Careers section. This series of articles is primarily addressed to young professionals.

Blog: Interventions
This is a link to a series of articles from the Framework blog–“Chronicles from a Caribbean Cubicle”–describing the way the firm conducts interventions.


CaribHRForum 2007 Survey Results
The members of CaribHRForum responded to a simple survey in 2007 on their top-priority areas of interest, and how the forum could be expanded.  The results have been compiled here, and include a copy of the actual survey instrument used.


Blog: Customer Service
This is a link to a series of articles from the Framework blog—“Chronicles from a Caribbean Cubicle”—on the topic of customer service, experience, and standards in the Caribbean region.


Blog Entries on Time Management
We have been doing a tremendous amount of research on the topic of time management, starting with the the realization that many time management techniques developed in the world are built around professionals in Developed Countries.  The 2Time approach is intended to be flexible enough for anyone to use, and to keep using for the duration of their professonal career.


Past Issues of FirstCuts
FirstCuts is our monthly ezine of management ideas for Caribbean executives.  To subscribe, simply send email to [email protected].  To view past issues, click on the link here.


Past Issues of the One Page Digest

The One Page Digest is our bi-weekly list of useful links for regional managers and executives.  It is short, snappy and intended to be a quick read.  To subscribe, send email to [email protected] or visit for past issues.


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