Dynamic Objectives – Learn More Here

Are you making your next strategic planning retreat an extraordinary one?

You are a sponsor of the next strategic planning retreat in your company. Your job is to make the session an effective one. If all goes well, the company may craft decisions that change its future for the better, in the way that companies like Apple and Netflix did.

But this is not an easy task. There are many ways for companies to conduct a poor strategic planning process. Sometimes a few loud people hijack the activity, leaving others in the dust. Or perhaps participation is low, leading to a lack of buy-in. Too often, your leaders are confused about the role they should play, creating confusion.

Here at Framework Consulting, we have faced almost every challenge in the book (and avoided a bunch of others.) In our minds, strategic planning retreats are amazing opportunities to produce plans that create breakthrough outcomes. Over the past two decades, we have seen them save companies, invigorate staff and inspire leaders to produce unprecedented, bottom-line results.

The good news is that, at the repeated request of prior clients, we have compiled our knowledge in a single offering: the Dynamic Objectives training.

This programme, based on our experience of Caribbean and US-based strategic planning retreats is meant for you: a person who is coordinating or planning your company’s next event. You may be a CEO, or Chairperson. Or a project manager, head of Human Resources or Executive Assistant. There is no rigid job description.

During this training you’ll uncover the details of our LeapOut approach to planning as a way to bring in tools and techniques which produce two outcomes at the same time:

  1. an extraordinary strategic plan
  2. an executive or planning team which is fully aligned behind the final plan

To fit into demanding schedules, the training over 8 lessons is entirely self-paced. You can go as fast as you want, but you aren’t alone. We’ll be here to help as your coaches and you may have other learners who are moving at the same pace. So there are folks you can learn from, and with

Yet, this is no superficial skim of stuff from an MBA text-book. The content is based on our first-hand knowledge gained from over 50 retreats. Consider yourself to be an apprentice learning a trade, rather than a tertiary student learning subject. There is no exam at the end. Instead, success will be marked by a newfound ability to implement a fresh approach which will help your company disrupt its industry, awaken its stakeholders and engage its customers.

The course is now taking additions to our waiting list. Or, you can register immediately and get started.

The full price is $199 but for a limited number of learners we’re offering a 50% discount. You can register here with a 7-day guarantee so you don’t lose a penny if you’re not satisfied.